Conversations with Eve
Wouldn't it be great to go back in a time machine and talk to Eve. What do you think satan's belief system is, the one he spreads around as much as possible. Shouldn't he just apologize and then everything will be o.k. Satan is fighting a war he is going to lose against a foe who exists outside of time. What then do you think satan believes about war. There are only room for two infinitely powerful forces in the universe, and if one side has all the truth then you have to take what's left, lies and half truths. satan started war but failed and got kicked out of heaven. He had to go with peace and found Eveology as a medium of expression.
God expels the spiritual rot by getting you to be yourself and Him being powerful enough to make you stand. Only the free gift offers this belief system.
In a garden God placed satan, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of life, eve, adam, and Jesus. He then said "eat from all the trees but not that one" knowing that whatever would cause you to want to reach out to it was weeds to be thrown on the fire. So one day satan approaches eve and starts sniggering at God. What would cause someone to immediately believe the worst in God, the one that supports us and loves us. Rather then say quietly, "lord, who is this that blasphemes you, ridicules you, pulls you down, mistrusts you, hates you", "she says, yeah, that God of ours is a basted, he's just trying to..."
Now what would cause this response, it's easy to say Eveology, but what is it, how does it act and what does it say.
Well actually the same thing as satan. "God is a domineering, warmongering evil who needs to be more forgiving and understanding. I wanted Him dead, how dare God stand up for himself. To be fare He should share power with me 50:50, then be forgiving when i take more. The more loving he is the more he would give me and not be mean to me with His presence. If He truly loves and was good he would lay down his life for me. We must stand up to the aggressors for the sake of peace" Eve probably didn't understand this babel, she may have asked for some future ideas on how to attack the interests of God. If satan answered she wouldn't of gotten it. The accuser may have said "eve, you won't know what i mean but remember this, America went into Iraq for oil, and is the most aggressive, domineering country in the world. Side with the "destroy Israel" school of thought.
Eve learned that the ground can produce a plant without a seed if it's proud enough. And that you can make things better for yourself if you choose the death of the tree on the left rather then the life on the right.
It was then time to head toward that tree and on the way adem and eve were having a little conversation...
Wouldn't it be good to go back in a time machine and tell adem to tell eve "no! i reject you eve and your fruit, the theology of the devil. You will stop sniggering and mistrusting openness and honesty. You will leave alone your self-righteous desire to gain more information about how bad God is. You will not prove you are better then our Lord, I choose life and i will eat the fruit of life; the life that is in Christ Jesus our Lord and savior from the darkness and evil wicked deceivers. I reject you eve in the name of Jesus, i will not partake of your fruit, i will not be entangled by the bondage of accumulated half truths. Today I choose life in abundance. And finally, despite that look on your face i will not shut up, you will shut up from this moment onward, Amen.
Closer or further away from the point?
Naturally the peace protesters are most responsible for the wars and lingering threats to the security of the world, holding back the forces of freedom and supporting the forces of oppression. In an imperfect world perfect standards are applied to what is good but not what is bad. Self-righteousness causes the imperfect forces of good to be sniggered at and information is accumulated against it. While evil is forgiven because it's not trying to earn it's way into heaven.
Closer to the point i guess
It would have to be considered by those stuck up stiff shirted nerds as prosperous, silly, and absurd.
It would have to be demanding. How demanding? It would have to demand that i live and stop thinking about how bad i am.
And maybe, just maybe, if the wind is blowing in the right direction, and the tea leaves aren't swearing; it would have to be a religion that thinks it's fantastic to barge in and say "Hello, lets have a conversation."
The hard ground thinks they are the seed as well, and can produce Godly righteous fruit themselves.
Poor basteds
To extreme:- "isn't" "nor is it" "all"
Doing God's work
Naturally people water down the good news. The religious people try to perfect it's opposite, the others either don't want to do it's opposite or just don't want to believe it's opposite. The "good news" school of thought may be the worlds most fascinating subject, but certainly doesn't seem to be known by many. Not everyone sees a light when they look at the hill, indeed, most see an oppressive system of freedom.
Shore the good news is that the righteousness needed for salvation can't be manufactured by us on earth. So what if it can only be made by God and come from heaven. It doesn't matter that receivers of righteousness get into heaven, producers don't. That certainly doesn't stop 99.9% of preaching about God being about how to produce righteousness.
What a funny little belief system. Producers are always busy trying to show God how amazing they are. But God prefers the company of receivers, who believe in him being all powerful, merciful, graceful, loving. Unlike the producers they truly believe they are nothing without Him, that is, they are not God without Him. He is the potter and they are the receiving end. And receive they do, playing with Jesus in the fields while the others are outside in an interview with there false god's.
Those playful life-enjoying receivers have lot's of wonderful respect for God too. The producers want him to be a runny nosed little child who needs to hold your hand for re-assurance of your strength whenever it gets frightened.
Still doing God's work?
People naturally snigger at the light, like Eve in the garden with her bitchy friend. They don't want to believe in an all powerful God who chases the humble God-righteous heart and keeps the self-righteous producing snides out. I suppose He just doesn't want heaven filled with people who are good at following rules but love criticising, finger pointing, judging, manipulating, whispering and sniggering at the light they don't want to believe in.
Holy Father O'Keeth
But that would have been ostentatious.
Letting Him be Him
The dirt should stop trying to clean itself and just receive the seed and let it grow.
Realy good news
Sometimes i wish they would be a little more honest.
More light
Some say "no tanks, god, you wait till i show you what i have done." And the righteous live by faith and the sinners keep producing death.
Twotie fruities from that tree
1. Kevin's Communist Manifesto. When asked how he can assure that business won't be harmed he replied:- "we are in the business of getting every detail right. This is what we'll do." An answer both weak and awful. At another time he grumbled in true left style that "business has to much power, government should manage the economy more." At least Kevin Rudd is honest. He's a leftist pin up boy. He is Max's "intellectual elite" appealing to there ignorant working class about the fairness and equality of electing an Ossy dictator.
2. The Watchtower's gentle grip. "Brooding over the watch tower" waters is a good source of fun. There language is smooth and cunning. Jehovah's witnesses work the hardest to spread their version of the gospel of good news, yet their numbers pale in comparison to others. That these people are trying to show God and there organisation and there neighbour that they should be allowed into paradise is a no brainer. The slavery, manipulation and fear by the organisation played on those poor little sheep is awful.
It sounds silly but that's what religions are doing.
Fun with Jesus?
All fun i suppose.
Producers and Receivers
Here's another go at it.
Godly righteousness and salvation can't be produced; It can only be received. God divides up the "free gift" people and the "works of the law" people. Receivers of Him have better hearts. They realize that only God let's them in to paradise and God lets them into paradise. Those left outside are the producers of salvation and righteousness.
Simply believe in receiving
God forbid
People of the light have two words to say to these morons, "Fuck off". If your more offended at swearing then self-righteous arrogance because your a "better person", then perhaps i could tone is down by saying "shove it." Your the ass holes that are responsible for pushing the world away from the truth of Christ with your finger pointing of those who don't shine on the outside. You who think there is darkness and lighter darkness, sinners and less sinners, you have fallen from God's grace and avoided the poignancy and power of God's light.
These rude-amenities aren't a set culture but a means to an end. To much of the explanation of the gospel of righteousness and salvation focuses on human purity. How can it be. "I have a message that being good doesn't work, so on goes the tie and suit and I'll leave swearing for when i stub my toe in private." How awful. In silly Christian circles you will hear them espouse that they are the only example of the gospel that the word who doesn't read the bible that will ever get, then they go on being the opposite of the truth. They explain the gospel of themselves through the prism of it's opposite:- self-righteousness. The so called christian trying to show the power of God by how good they can be is fucking absurd.
The truth is the opposite of what the dickheads say it is. And isn't it amazing how the gospel is supposed to be the light in the darkness but Christians steer clear of the darkness. In Genesis 1:2 the light brooded over the face of the deep before it spoke.
Hey Christian Soldiers:- do you sound foolish?
V20 "Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?"
V21 "For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe."
V22 "For the Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom;"
V23 "but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,"
V24 "but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God."
V18 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved it is the power of God".
The true message of salvation, that God does the righteous work to the humble heart that doesn't try to be good, is so vastly different and contradictory to what everyone else says, that people's initial response should always be "oh no that's silly, that can't be right". There aren't to many people presenting the gospel who know they are on track when they get that kind of response.
Other responses of misunderstanding one should get when telling the truth of the gospel are found in Rom 3:8 "And why not say, "Let us do evil that good may come?"- as we are slanderously reported and as some affirm that we say." Also Rom 6:1,15, 7:7.
Gen1:2 Getting ready to shine
Ask those pampered weasels for the truth of the gospel and they won't be able to tell you. Partly because you may have certain pet angles that you want specifically answered. Partly because you may have caught them off guard. But mostly, almost entirely, because they don't know. Not even that they don't know, but that they have accumulated information they are proud of and want to focus on that:- What to do when satan attacks your confidence over a certain blessing. How to pray about a healing. How to be blessed through tithes. How to handle not wanting to go to church. How to fight demons of sadness. Endless rubbish that has noting to do with the real world God wants us to live in, but takes away our focus from the poignant simplicity of the saving light. Indeed even the apostle Paul said "for i determined not to know anything among you accept Christ and Him crucified." Because in that is all the saving information you'll ever need for spiritual growth. It is the light of the gospel, the good new;- Jesus paid the price of entry into heaven for us.
In Genesis 2:1 The heavens and the earth and the lives were done. 2:2 It was the seventh day and He rested and didn't do anything else, there was no need to go any further or change anything. 2:3 He blessed and sanctified all He had created and made.
In Genesis 3:1 The serpent is introduced as the most cunning and appealed to mans compassionate side with a manipulating accusation against God. In 3:2 Man's Eveologist nature appeased evil, choosing to pit her knowledge against evil instead of bringing God and life into the equation. And finally in 3:3 she gave satan all he needs to go to work and do his thing.
That was it. Adam through Eve joined in satan's ways and started sniggering at and mistrusting the forces of good and appeasing and giving the benefit of a doubt to the forces of evil. They started partaking of tree of the knowledge of good and evil on the left even before they bit into it's fruit and could see what they were doing. The left is the only way to trick man into falling from grace, through self-righteous accumulated of half truths via his sense of superior compassionate nature and the ability to see the injustice of the good. Indeed Eve thought she was smart enough to see the injustice and unfairness of what God was trying to do. On her way to the tree no doubt her superior understanding would have been playing in her head "God's a basted...he's just trying to..." And there it all goes. She began using her knowledge to make the world a better place, not realizing the truth of life she was turning away from.
The problem with information is that it doesn't lead to the truth, it simply increases your understanding what your life or death heart wants to believe. Accumulated information doesn't lead you to truth, only the perspective of life does. If someone is dying, you would rather have a dumb medic who doesn't know much but does know a few simple truth about medicine looking after you then an intellectual with all the degrees and information about many subjects under the sun but has left out that tiny bit of medical truths.
A thirst for knowledge means nothing to finding the truth. Terrorists thirst for knowledge too, of what's bad about you. I'm sure the evil genius has plenty of knowledge of good and evil. Information needs to be targeted to be right. The truth is in "the tree of life v's the tree of knowledge of good and evil", and Eve's desire to appease evil and moving away from life and towards "a tree desire to make one wise" causing her to "took of it's fruits and eat" and "also gave to her husband with her, and he ate." v6 It wasn't called the tree of life and the tree of death, because the proud self-righteous, sniggering, accusing accumulation of so-called superior wisdom brings on the ideology of death. It brings a fall from grace into law and self-righteousness, and a hatred of all things good and Godly in this imperfect world of abundant information. It's a brilliant test by God though, despite how wonderfully Superior in intellect we may think we are, the world has too many truths and lies for any human brain to have a monopoly on. The condition of your spirit can be seen in what small section of the information pie of life you want to believe. Those who want to believe in the slice that bring life, and those that want to believe in the slice that is death.
In Genesis 3 We see the truth of light and darkness, and what makes man fall into darkness and all the trouble it brings into the world. Just like Eve, today's defence lawyers defend the rapist and the murderer out of there compassionate superior wisdom and understanding. Just like Eve the tree intellectuals on the left encourage the marching drones against the injustices and unfairness of free capitalist societies defending themselves against dictatorships. A persons true motives can be seen when picking and choosing various half truths like the casualties of war but ignoring the greater levels of blood created by the dictators or the consequences of appeasing evil and acting to late as in WWI ,II, and on; believing evil can be reasoned with and understood; that it should be shown our superior compassion and that all the world needs is to respond with love not war. And of cause, who wants to believe in God being great and righteous and who wants to believe they are.
In Genesis 1,2,3 the light is revealed for all to see or ignore. After this for the rest of the old testament the world is plunged into darkness but the light of the world is hovering and brooding {Isiah 53 is a good example}. Finally in the new testament the light appears as a baby in a manger, he speaks directly and others inspired speak the light after He is risen. In the last chapter of the last book of the bible, Revelation, the tree of life is mentioned three times as mankind finally makes it back to "the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates of the city" {rev 22:14}.
The truth about good people and God.
Righteousness comes from God. The only way to become more righteous is to have more of a sense that you aren't and need God's. This truth is so powerful and radically different and driven by God instead of us, that the biggest problem is in simply being able to believe it's true. This is what Jesus meant by "simply believe and you will be saved." Simply believe in this powerful all consuming truth and that is all it needs to go to work. Self righteous people however don't want to believe it because they have accumulated to much good works and information about rubbish, which they would rather hang on too and impress others {including God} with. But the more faith we have in our own righteousness, the less of God's righteousness we have.
Rom 1:16-17 "For i am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation...For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith."
Rom 10:4 "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes."
Kiss my ass pharisees and snides!
Easter Sunday
The truth is actually more different then what all the others say, so different from the others that it is likened to a light in the darkness. The truth that you will never hear is one that must result in what it says it does, plainly, "the truth will set you free." What that silly fool on t.v. was preaching was Satan's view, the opposite of God's view and is one of pride, "you can do many things better then God, there is Godly righteousness to be made, and I'm making it." But only God is righteous.
Godly righteousness comes from heaven, it can't be produced on earth. Trying to produce it makes us proud. The true religion of humility is one of receiving:- we can't make ourselves good enough so we have to humble ourselves and receive. People who think they are amazing or who are naturally good law abiding citizens have a problem with realizing they aren't good enough to get into heaven. No wonder Jesus said we have to come as a child. No wonder it is the worst of the sinners that God often turns and uses to glorify Him. The honest natural people among us have a greater sense that they are in fact too sinful for entry into heaven, and get the truth way before those with a {so-called} clean slate.
Humility is a terribly misunderstood concept. In the great example story of Luke 18:9 Jesus said "he who humbles himself will be exulted, and he who exults himself will be humbled." The disgusting poisonous pharisees oozing grotesqueness out of your local "oasis" churches will tell you this means that if you calm yourself down you will be exulted and if you be yourself you will be humbled. How awful, people across the planet are honestly wanting to pursue God and are given this hideous beliefs system to choke on. How blind and arrogant and filled with poison are the religious establishments. The truth is that exulting yourself is showing God how good you are, and humbling yourself is realizing you aren't. But that doesn't matter to the spiritually sleazy stuck up snides and pharisees in there long robes and there stupid rituals and there crushing of the human spirit.
We all have a problem with this blinding truth, and it does annoy me that all people get taught is various versions of the same stupid idea, "I'm amazing and i demand to come in, I'm more godly then others." Just the same as all the other left tree rubbish that keeps you in tyranny.
Full circle of stupidity
Screw democracey. I say power to the people, {leftist dictators}
To the left, playing by perceived heaven's rules on earth is just fine. In heaven you can afford to believe that all you need is love because someone else will protect you. On earth that strategy will result in being overpowered by evil who don't give a rats ass about your love for them. On the contrary, they will view your love as an excellent opportunity to attack because they know you won't defend yourself.
Where's that?
Gen 3 man
With this level of perspective i wouldn't be surprised if, oh forget it.
Just look at these pretty pictures;_ylt=A0geu9GuphBGKSgAKWlXNyoA?p=deciduous%20forests&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&fp_ip=AU&x=wrt&meta=0&fr2=tab-web
The book
If the bible was false then one day a group would have supposedly gotten together, for instance, to make up books and chapters like Isaiah 53. They probably spoke powerfully that day about an actor from there organization a thousand years from then, that would have one shot from birth to death to play God's son, a perfect sinless brutally killed man. He would have to be perfectly consistent to the old testament, knowing infinitely more then anyone else. When the organization organized the poor baby in a manger scene they must have been nervous about weather the baby could pull it off. They could swap babies but not kids who would have to be perfect by then without any help. They also would of talked about the bible being picked up by the organization a hundred years later to talk about what happened and what's going to happen over 2000 years after the actors birthday. And reveal more creativity of original truths and ideas and literature never though before by anyone.
They must have been busy on the foot notes of Isaiah to pass down to generations thousands of years later so they can understand how to write the new testament. I can see it now, one day emperor Narzi-goring ordered a tax census... These writers must have not just completely understood the impossibly woven Bible, but be able to predict and control the future perfectly from as far away as 3000 years. When they were making some notes for the future part of the bible, they must have pondered how they would be interpreted by different cultures in the near and distant future.
The bible was written by God at the hands of thousands of people, true. Did they each make up a bit? Did they gather in one group when making it up, to keep it consistent. Did indeed a group write the old testament 3000 years ago, pick it up 1000 years later, where they got someone to play Jesus, be brutally crucified and die after living a perfect life. Then they finished the new testament over the next couple of years, perfectly in line with the old testament; with fantastically powerful truths about what Jesus really meant, his exact message of salvation inventing billions more new and original truths. The "actor" for Jesus certainly didn't put a foot wrong, no one had to teach him or fill him in on the organisations beliefs. He fulfilled the prophesy about the coming of the new testament perfectly by making it up as he went.
The whole bible is a first draft written over 3000 years by people who never knew each other. The storyline, information, cultures, names, perfectly placed in history, infinite cross references, ideas and sayings so large, no one person in 5000 years has come close to having a monopoly on the bible like it's organization would all of had. There's no author today with a brain big enough to make up anything like it.
The bible is far to big for one person or group to put together. The bible come with completely original new ideas. Huge stories and truths so woven back and forth through out the book all joining each other; ideas so large that they are still being uncovered today. An inspiration for a whole culture and birth of the earths calender, all that information and twists for one person or organization to have the monopoly of understanding on? yet we are told by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that God didn't make the Bible.
Year right, gimme a break.
Go Left

If you want to militarily and ideologically take over the world. Or if you want to rule your country with an iron fist and run it like a prison camp. Or if you truly want to empower the forces behind terrorism, or north Korea or Iran etc then comrades; you really can only go left. The Left doesn't just strongly disagree about the right and there beliefs, they are disgusted. Disgusted at the rights's stupidity. That it hasn't got as many half truths as them. It amazes me the naivete people have about evil, and there experimenting with having compassion on it. People don't realize just how Satan views God, and the language he uses, it would be helpful for today. But we can see the language the snake would use if we consider the bigger picture. Satan doesn't respect boundaries. He doesn't see the universe in terms of his bit and God's bit. He can't ever do anything other then actively try to reduce God to nothing. He doesn't have the truth or life so he uses the tree of knowledge, and pushes a loyalty to it rather then the tree of life. He doesn't care where someone stands in that tree, as long as they eat it, and not Satan's forbidden fruit on the right. The tree of knowledge of good and evil on the left is Satan's only hope.
The left is useful for presenting ideas to humans who only think in part:- lying slippery overlapping half truths, a deceptive emphasis, we are all familiar with these. Like being at a joint Jehovah's witness socialist meeting. Satan isn't one of the worst people you have ever seen. He lives in God's world, off to the side in darkness and the desire for knowledge of evil in others. He only wants to rob kill and destroy {John 10:10} The left is the serpents only hope of physically getting his hands on Israel and God.
Join the revolution
"Do you hate America? I hate America too. I believe it is our destiny to rise together. We nearly did in in WWI1,11 and the cold war. We are looking forward to China and Iran and north Korea and south America and Cuba and old Europe. We can out number them like Gulliver. Comrades, soon we can have the whole world controlled. There will be no disobedience toward our pushing a superior agenda, every lucky human will live in paradise. 2 hours of morning worship till seven. A green brunch. More worship till ten...
If you have deduced that America is the source of what is wrong with the world, so have i. I urge you to vote left until voting is removed. Then sympathise with the revolution."
The left was born
A fantastic site.
You can't apologize yourself into a dark room.
World view
The truth about salvation
The finger pointers won't be going to heaven.
The lefts twisted knowledge for helping evil
Radio salvation message
We all here about how God is holy and righteous and hates sin, that's supposed to be the good news. The white washed tombs in there long robes have done a thorough job in convincing people that the only way to get into heaven is to be like them. The truth is that no one is capable of producing the kind of righteousness that is needed for heaven, and no matter how hard we try, a blob of mud can't clean itself. The good news is that God gives you the righteousness that He needs from you, because He can't ask you for something He hasn't first given you. So rather then living our lives trying to prove to him how amazing we are, we can appreciate him for having the power to let us be ourselves, setting us free to change us from the inside out if we really need it. We don't have to try to be come like God because that's impossible, and we will stuff it up.
This might sound new to you, but it's the light on a hill that you here about, the only way to fill heaven with good people who like being themselves. The only way God can make us forget about always trying to trick him and being fake around him is to make things like righteousness and salvation something He does in you rather then making you do it. All He desires from you is the honesty and humility to accept that you don't have to be God for him, He can do that Himself, that "the gospel is the power of God to salvation," {Rom 1:16} not the power of you. If you stuff up, He just wants you to admit that you don't have the ability to pull yourself together and you need Him. Then forget it, that's freedom. That way you become a more honest open person who realizes how great God is, and that's who he wants in heaven with him.
Here's two simple verses to think about. Luke 18:9-14. Eph 2:8,9.
Jo ho feathers
Our heart is who we are, not our head. Does your heart want life or does it want to hide behind a tangled web of information that leads you on a wild goose chase toward spiritual death. The left believes the world will be a better place if you do what the masters of information tell you to do. The right thinks the world will be a better place if your free and healthy and responsible.
Listen to the words they use
"He runs around Europe like a mad man seeing what he can set on fire."
Hitler regarding Churchill.
A vanquished Idea
Birds of a feather
They all hate the same things for the same reasons.
End of Church
Most churches are indeed dead, long live the alternatives if there are any, long live those who gather to talk of the light on a hill where ever they are. Long live those who the church tries to destroy.
The churches of today are a failure and devils advocate. As Jesus Himself said, "does anyone light a lamp and put it under a cover." The church is supposed to be a light on a hill. If most people in the community don't know where it is, is it a church. If the building and it's people are seen as weirdos with nothing to say, is it a church. If the message from the church is no different from all other messages in the world, is it Jesus' message. The church's message is supposed to be a light in the darkness. If those living in darkness can't see the message because it is dull and lifeless, is it really light. And don't believe there self-righteous ridiculous excuse that it is all satan's fault. Is it harder to see light because there is to much darkness. Is the true light battling the darkness and loosing. Why do 99.999% of people not go to church, because the darkness is to dark, or because the light is to dark.
But this is the church of today, weirdos have made there case for and against the church, and no one wants to listen to either now, so nothing is done, not for centuries, not since Martin Luther King nailed the 95 thesis to the Roman Catholic church door.
Modern churches are cold and dark places for virtually every soul God creates. Is there something wrong with this picture. Those who thirst for him are led away down a slow path of failure only realizing to late, when there years are gone, spilled out like water on the ground. You are taught to believe in a God that is smaller then almost every aspect of who you are, including your heart and mind. One is instructed to suffocate first, and wait to breath in Him. But the breathing never comes, and when you ask for help you are fed molasses, more lies that suffocate, rubbish about testing times and holding on, that satan obviously hates you, so hang in there. Hang in there indeed, with stupid shallow views of the world and life.
Do not be so foolish as to throw your life away in a church, but live and grow and reach for the true God that is bigger then your wildest dreams and desires. Do not blame yourself because on a dark night the light can't be seen. Don't believe the foolish logic that you can't see the light because you are standing in darkness. O what a contradiction. Instead wait for God to be Himself and catch you unawares. And until then, live damn you, live. And when you die, hopefully you will like God, and not be bitter and angry at Him because of your local church.
Sly bastards way
Satan is called the most cunning. What does this mean about the way he operates in the world, the natural world of today. Is he sloppy in his work, will the world hate him more and more as his days are numbered? Not if he is supposed to cunning. Doesn't that naturally mean that he will operate "under the radar?" So what should we say then. Does he and his followers advocate war, do they conduct there wars in front of the worlds media. Is it also on the other hand to much to believe that when he does have to come out from under the radar, it will only be by appearing as an angel of light, as Jesus said he often does. And that the "whisperer" only ever loudly pushes his agenda when the world thinks it is good.
So in these last days the world hates war more and more, is the world slipping out of Satan's hands? As the world moves towards the politics of "fairness and equality" is Satan dong a terrible job. When millions march in agreement of there hatred toward "evil" capitalism is Satan loosing his grip in these last days. Surely the marching millions against war is a sign that Satan is growing tired and week, or does it sound as absurd as it is. Indeed.
War is something the forces of good do. Evil doesn't go to war. Evil accuses and quietly moves toward the territory of good, and where there is blood evil blames the upfront open forces of good for it. As the last day approaches, the victims in the court room and the battle field will be angrily accused of "disproportional" responses. That is evils way, it makes your response seem disproportional by attacking under the radar and pointing the finger at your above the radar response.
Look at the reason for all this, Israel. Even a child who knows nothing will answer that war is always wrong, that dialog is the only way. But this is the 1st layer of a belief system of little bells and fairies and unicorns. The second level is similar, that there is no such thing as evil. The 3rd is awful, that we cause evil with our lack of understanding. These beliefs systems are born in the bosom of the child who is insulated from the real world by there parents. If something goes wrong, someone else will protect them. Being so looked after by the responsible they can dream and play with disastrous beliefs as much as they want, criticising those brutes that are fighting for there lives and only making enemies for themselves. The pampered elites in intellectua, the talented fools and gifted idiots whose talents protect them from the harsh reality of the ground, can dream of there Utopian societies where a better world is planed and ruled with an iron fist. Where equality is enforced and those who disagree are sent to re-education facilities.
Israel naturally finds itself in this predicament. Last year, as the Lebanese were making trouble at Cronulla beach in Australia, Israel was raked over the coals for there disproportionate response toward Hezbollah in Lebanon. The quiet, calculating, under the radar "resistance rockets" on Israeli civilians had been going on for years but the world was in an outrage at Israel's 3 week "open obvious war" on Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.
So, remembering the garden we see poor Israel, surrounded by her cunning under the radar enemies continuing there quiet advancement. While the worlds courts come as an angel of light condemning war and calling Israel an aggressive war mongerer.
That's the sly bastard's way.
By satan for satan
A few subjects i don't wish to write about
Spiritual Right:- better people are free. Spiritual Left:- better people are controlled.
God's with no power keep you with rules. God's with power keep you with freedom.
In India on that special day where a dip in the river can wash away there sins, they don't want to believe that in Jesus, every day is a special day and He washes away your sins as they are cumming out.
You lose points for being good according to leftism. "Because America stands for decency, therefore it's judged harsher." "Thank goodness the world is finally rising up against those who have proven there decency."
The way God sanctifies people is to give them the acceptance to be themselves and deal with what comes out. Imagine an old car that needs fixing. In order to properly fix and clean it the parts will need to be loosened up so they can get a good wash. The repairer isn't disgusted and discouraged to find some dirty, smelly old parts, nor does he think it would be better to leave it together. On the other hand he may be annoyed if the engine remains tight and jammed. It's the same with people. How terrible the proud and arrogant who think that because they have spent there whole lives buffing and shinning the outside, wiping the oil away that appear between there seams before anyone sees, that they are better then the ones who let the grease come out.
So with Christians, God is pimping them up, they are being renewed day by day, they understand that in order for them to truly grow they need to loosen up and be exactly who the are, that gives them not just the allowance, but the obligation to be exactly themselves, and not try to clean or fix them self spiritually, stuffing it up and becoming fake. The stiff, tight, outwardly clean christian is a contradiction in terms. Christians are forgiven and accepted enough to be exactly who they are with not a hint of pretension, and the world has every right to believe that Christians are fake that don't realize this. Christians acknowledge they are sinners and waste no time trying to prove there ability to look righteous. By the same token the humble person doesn't care how proud or sinful they appear, they are not interested in finding virtue in themselves, they only care what God thinks of them. So, being themselves, they give all they find back to Him.
Jesus said "if you show love to those who love you, what is that" {what does it say about your ability to love} It's the same with how the world verses God's people see goodness and decency. If you look at a person who goes to church, wears long robes and doesn't drink or sware and conclude "God accepts this person" what does that say about your understanding of God's righteousness. However, if you look at rough diamond and conclude "God accepts this person" that shows you are aware of what God's righteousness and power really is.
Imagine being yourself yet on your way to heaven. That's the way it has to be.
I leave ye with a simple quote from A.W.Tozer. "I know two kinds of Christians: the proud who imagine they are humble and the humble who are afraid they are proud. There should be another class: the self-forgetful who leave the whole thing in the hands of Christ and refuse to waist any time trying to make themselves good. They will reach the goal far ahead of the rest."
Ugo meant Eve
Max's Maxims
It's a fact of the farm. The most fertile ground remains barren if no seed is sown.
You can't help the blind by turning up the light.
You can't help the deaf by turning up the music.
You can't change the inside by decorating the outside.
You can't grow fruit without seed, you must be born again. {John3:3}
God does the work not us. It's not a trade off, it's a gift. Man's job isn't to earn it but to accept it.
All the worlds religions can be placed in one of two camps: Legalism or Grace. Human kind does it or God does it. Salvation as a wage based on deeds done- or salvation as a gift based on Christs death.
A legalist believes the supreme force behind salvation is you. If you look right, speak right, and belong to the right segment of the right group, you will be saved. The brunt of the responsibility doesn't lie with God it lies with you. It results in 1. fear:- that you won't do enough. 2. Arrogance:- that you have done enough. 3. failure:- that you have maid a mistake.
Legalism is a dark world of slow torture, suffocation of the spirit, amputation of ones dreams. Legalism is just enough religion to keep you but not enough to nourish you. So you starve. Your teachers don't know where to find food so you starve together. Your diet is rules and standards. No taste, no zest, just bland predictable religion.
If we want to sing we better stay in step, that's legalism. It's rigid. It's uniform. It's mechanical- and it's not from God. Legalism doesn't need God. Legalism is the search for innocence, not forgiveness. It's a systematic process of defending self, explaining self, exalting self, and justifying self. Legalists are obsessed with self- not God.
Legalism:- Turns my opinion into your burden:- There is only room for one opinion in this boat. And guess who is wrong!
It turns my opinion into your boundary:- Your opposing opinion makes me question not only your right to have fellowship with me, but also your salvation.
It turns my opinion into your obligation:- Christians must tow the company line. Your job isn't to think, it's to march. If you want to be in the group, stay in step and don't ask question.
Legalism makes you fear the displeasure of your peers. It puts the fear of man in you, it makes you approval hungry. You become keenly aware of what others will say and think, and you do what it takes to please them. Conformity is not fun but it's safe. The uniform doesn't fit, but it's approved so you were it. Who are you to ask questions, stay in step and plod down the path of least resistance.
Spiritual life is not a human endeavor, it is rooted in and orchestrated by the Holy Spirit. Every spiritual achievement is created and energized by God. Spirituality, says Jesus, comes not from church attendance, or good deeds or correct doctrine, but from heaven itself.
Salvation is God's business. Grace is His idea, His work and His expense. v15 "Everyone who believes can have eternal life" Not everyone who achieves. Not everyone who succeeds. Not everyone who agrees. But "everyone who believes"
A light on a hill
Here is the meaning of the good news of the gospel:- Mankind doesn't have it in him to produce the Godly righteousness that is necessary to get into heaven, so don't try. Trying to produce it is like a blob of mud cleaning itself. The only way that God can look at you and see the righteousness needed for entry into heaven is for him to give it to you in the form of a seed that He waters and makes grow. He then must blot out your past sins, and give you the power over future sin of a promise of continued grace and forgiveness so you don't have to concern yourself with it. That's the only way. God encourages you to forget about your level of purity and simply focus on his greatness. To get you to stop focusing on your sin is absolutely indispensable because sin's power is though the law. This is no cream puff theology of a week mind too stupid to understand the nature of evil, and to guilty to believe anything other then "geeze I hope God can forgive because i just want to be a basted." This is hard nosed truths about freedom and it's absolute necessity for purging pride from the human heart.
Since righteousness is so necessary, and humans don't have the ability to produce it themselves, the only way to get it is for God to impute {Rom 4:6} it to you though humility. But being humble, {another big subject therefore easily misunderstood} doesn't mean being reserved, it means admitting the truth about yourself, that you need God to be your savior because you can't do it. It means giving Him the glory for His trillion dollar gift, and being grateful rather then slapping Him in the face by offering him 20 bucks. This is indispensable because the only way God can keep pride out of heaven is to make salvation a free gift {Rom 6:23} something that can't be worked for because earning salvation or righteousness produces pride {Eph 2:8,9}. The attempt at working for righteousness and acceptance of God apart from faith in how wonderful He is causes your heart to focus on law, making law your focus for salvation rather then God and His grace, causing you to live under the curse of the law. {Gal 3:10} There are no half measures to God's righteous acceptance, it has to be one or the other, either grace of law. {Gal 5:4}
This is the reason why Christan's go on so much about the cross, because of what it means. All the righteous requirements are fulfilled in Jesus because He took on the cross with him all of the sins and diseases in humanity. Because of him, righteousness, acceptance and entry into heaven is given to anyone who believes God is who He is. This is the freedom that Christians talk about when they say they are set free {John 8:36}. They don't have to worry or try, they just have to relax and be themselves and there God will chase there humble heart. {Rom 14:4}
Be careful of finger pointers though. Finger pointers judge you by how well you are living up to the dead law of righteousness outside of grace. When Jesus said "judge not lest you be judged" He meant if you point the finger it shows your belief system is based on the law rather then grace and faith. Therefore you aren't a christian and you aren't going to heaven.
So it's a persons world. Get over it.
Rather then snigger at imperfections, we could get over the truth that the church is less then 1% God, and get on with finding the rest of him. So maybe the best Godly atmosphere we can expect is that of the person in place in the church in our community. So if your looking for God's atmosphere, the best you can expect in this fallen imperfect world is the atmosphere of A PERSON OF GOD. So were all winging because God isn't in our churches, but really we think the pastor is a wanker. And who knows, if we were to look at the personality of people who have churches what might we find. Empty cells, high pitch morons, those who are good at knowing how to form a church, how to preach regularly for 40 minuets every Sunday and say nothing at all in there long years of service. Good at making a church and that's it. But what is so wrong with that, we should admit the truth that we are all only a certain size and stop winging about it. Maybe the pastor can preach for forty minuets a week, and not have to spread himself to thin running the church as well.
Christianity's claim is that God changes people, so God reveals himself through the changed person, with God's strength being made perfect in weakness. So i guess it's up to the people to decide weather the "dear leader" is just another opportunist with another man made, ground inspired school of thought or not. If the power of God really exists, and we can't see it by merely looking at the sky, then we must also see it in God's people. And so we come face to face with our biggest criticism and the answer, that the pastor of that church is, well, o.k. i guess.
World War Three
As our post ww2 culture teaches us, all we have to do is give up and good will triumph. What age is this? Our hatred of those who want to slaughter our women and children makes our adversaries stronger. All this wicked world needs is love. Anger makes the dark side grow. I can see another biased at work here can't you. The age of evil is coming upon us as before, but this time it's homework is done.
Information or Perspective
The proud of spirit believe that the accumulation of information alone leads to spiritual life. However the proud don't want to believe they are biased, they want to believe that there conclusions are a result of there spiritual purity and greatness as a human being, not to mention there superior intellect. It's no coincidence that the majority of college professors, artists, journalists, actors etc {talented fools, gifted idiots, who's lucky gifts keep them from feeling the real world} are passionate leftists, concluding that the ground is better then the seed, that socialism is better then capitalism, and freedom is a myth. The foolish spiritually proud heart, the dark natural disposition of us all, wants to slip into the doctrine of the whisperers and accusers, the doctrines of the devil who is called "the accuser" Rev 12:10
Here is where the conspiracy theories come in. The proud heart believes it's thinking to be nothing short of amazing, and rather then leave embarrassing blank spaces in there understanding would rather fill them with easy shallow information. They always make statements as questions and go no further because they don't want to. They will say along with homer Simpson "why do they do that, it's because they are stupid, that's why everybody does everything." All they want to do is snigger, and leave it as that because that is there religion, the religion of the serpent in the garden, the accuser. Conspiracy theories are candy for those who would rather know then think, and don't particularly want to take very much into consideration when making important conclusions about our world unless it unsettle there proud opinions.
Conspiracy theorising is easy sniggering at what is good and imperfect. It's a belief system based entirely on lies and half truths and even truths about our imperfect world. With the abundance of lies and lack of understanding about a subject as great at the world, conspiracy theories can go to work very well indeed, but always with one agenda. Why is it that conspiracy theories always conspire about how bad democratic government is {bribes run the world} and capitalism {the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.} Why will little old christian ladies spend there hard earned money on books and tapes about how bad capitalist America is {the best democracy money can buy}? It's because sniggering accusations and lies rely on people's ignorance about the imperfect, lesser of two evils way the world is, as well as the myriad of lies that can be conjured to support any of the growing dark doctrines all on the same side. The lesser of two evils is an easy target for the self-righteous heart that sees moral equivalencies everywhere; that sees the Rights capitalist system of free democracies as "just as bad" as the Lefts socialist dictatorships swarming the planet and on the rise.
When focusing on the knowledge of good and evil as one's measuring stick rather then life, the most brilliant minds can get caught up and lost in 99 lies that seem truer then one truth. And so it is that in these last days people will be proud of there accumulated "good enough" half truths and hate everything that is right and free. So they weigh up the knowledge of good and evil to find more lies then truths, making the conclusion deceit heavy. The idea of the lesser of two evils doesn't come into there thinking because that requires the perspective of life through leaning toward the other tree on the right. The tree on the left only ever produces more lies than truths, and proud intellectuals searching for wisdom prefer amount over substance.
Passive Islam
As a christian the new converts can find an outlet for there creativity by spreading the word of God's peace and forgiveness and salvation as a free gift that keeps pride out of heaven, and falseness and works out of the life of the believer.