The good news of the gospel is of God's amazing strategy for getting good people in heaven with Him like you, it's the salvation strategy of the free gift. It works like this. God doesn't want people in heaven who are good at following rules but are finger pointing, snigering, judging, criticising, condescending, stuck up proud bastards. No. God knows that the only way to keep pride out of heaven is to make salvation a free gift, something you can't earn. Trying to earn entry into heaven just makes people talk themselves up to God, and they become fake and proud. It's like how a boss doesn't really know what a person is like when they are trying to impress them in an interview, and how it's only after 6 months of job security and acceptance that who they really are comes out. So God's strategy for sorting out the proud and stuck up from the humble and real is to see who wants to believe they need God for salvation and who wants to believe they can do it themselves.
We all here about how God is holy and righteous and hates sin, that's supposed to be the good news. The white washed tombs in there long robes have done a thorough job in convincing people that the only way to get into heaven is to be like them. The truth is that no one is capable of producing the kind of righteousness that is needed for heaven, and no matter how hard we try, a blob of mud can't clean itself. The good news is that God gives you the righteousness that He needs from you, because He can't ask you for something He hasn't first given you. So rather then living our lives trying to prove to him how amazing we are, we can appreciate him for having the power to let us be ourselves, setting us free to change us from the inside out if we really need it. We don't have to try to be come like God because that's impossible, and we will stuff it up.
This might sound new to you, but it's the light on a hill that you here about, the only way to fill heaven with good people who like being themselves. The only way God can make us forget about always trying to trick him and being fake around him is to make things like righteousness and salvation something He does in you rather then making you do it. All He desires from you is the honesty and humility to accept that you don't have to be God for him, He can do that Himself, that "the gospel is the power of God to salvation," {Rom 1:16} not the power of you. If you stuff up, He just wants you to admit that you don't have the ability to pull yourself together and you need Him. Then forget it, that's freedom. That way you become a more honest open person who realizes how great God is, and that's who he wants in heaven with him.
Here's two simple verses to think about. Luke 18:9-14. Eph 2:8,9.