Easter Sunday

Well it's Easter Sunday and that means the world goes through the motions again. I saw a little on telly this morning and someone was saying something about something a priest did when gearing up for a sermon to "make himself just that little bit more holy." What chance does the world have when the mouthpieces for God are so far off track in what they teach. Usually when some nut job accuses the churches, it's to point out differences in there thinking they believe makes the other wrong. But they are always pathetic little half truths that don't matter. Furthermore they are in fact always the same, on the same side, pushing the exact same belief system, only a slightly different version of the same thing. And when the poor world does get to hear a whisper of the truth, it's almost always an opera through a string cup telephone.

The truth is actually more different then what all the others say, so different from the others that it is likened to a light in the darkness. The truth that you will never hear is one that must result in what it says it does, plainly, "the truth will set you free." What that silly fool on t.v. was preaching was Satan's view, the opposite of God's view and is one of pride, "you can do many things better then God, there is Godly righteousness to be made, and I'm making it." But only God is righteous.

Godly righteousness comes from heaven, it can't be produced on earth. Trying to produce it makes us proud. The true religion of humility is one of receiving:- we can't make ourselves good enough so we have to humble ourselves and receive. People who think they are amazing or who are naturally good law abiding citizens have a problem with realizing they aren't good enough to get into heaven. No wonder Jesus said we have to come as a child. No wonder it is the worst of the sinners that God often turns and uses to glorify Him. The honest natural people among us have a greater sense that they are in fact too sinful for entry into heaven, and get the truth way before those with a {so-called} clean slate.

Humility is a terribly misunderstood concept. In the great example story of Luke 18:9 Jesus said "he who humbles himself will be exulted, and he who exults himself will be humbled." The disgusting poisonous pharisees oozing grotesqueness out of your local "oasis" churches will tell you this means that if you calm yourself down you will be exulted and if you be yourself you will be humbled. How awful, people across the planet are honestly wanting to pursue God and are given this hideous beliefs system to choke on. How blind and arrogant and filled with poison are the religious establishments. The truth is that exulting yourself is showing God how good you are, and humbling yourself is realizing you aren't. But that doesn't matter to the spiritually sleazy stuck up snides and pharisees in there long robes and there stupid rituals and there crushing of the human spirit.

We all have a problem with this blinding truth, and it does annoy me that all people get taught is various versions of the same stupid idea, "I'm amazing and i demand to come in, I'm more godly then others." Just the same as all the other left tree rubbish that keeps you in tyranny.

Full circle of stupidity

America is a good country. America is imperfect and does bad things, therefore no better then bad countries. Because America stands for decency it should be judged harsher then bad countries. America is a bad country.

Screw democracey. I say power to the people, {leftist dictators}

If imperfect earthly good does 9 good things and one bad. Or if imperfect evil does 9 bad things and one good. That doesn't mean a thing to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of knowledge is deceptive because the only way to know which of the infinite twists of truth and lies in that tree are right is by using the way of the tree of life on the right. Indeed the tree on the left is a presentation and never gives the whole truth, but actually gives more lies then truths. This is what it does, using it's only power, the proud accumulation of slippery knowledge.

To the left, playing by perceived heaven's rules on earth is just fine. In heaven you can afford to believe that all you need is love because someone else will protect you. On earth that strategy will result in being overpowered by evil who don't give a rats ass about your love for them. On the contrary, they will view your love as an excellent opportunity to attack because they know you won't defend yourself.

Where's that?

"For as many are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, "cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book, to do them." But that no one is justified by the law in the site of God is evident, for "The just shall live by faith." Yet the law is not of faith, but "the man who does them shall live by them." For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law. But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, kept for the faith which would afterword be revealed. Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer after a tutor."

Where's that?

"a tree to be desired to make one wise"

Gen 3 man

I''m a genesis 3 man. And as a genesis three man i have to say, it' a shame that the first few chapters of the bible; when God is laying out his personality, style, the way He does things as well as Lucifer's and the man and woman; "some" people yorn and get there coffee and biscuits. I'm all for coffee and biscuits, cheese, olives, beef jerky, wine, bear, steak, past er etc, but this is the beginning, the premise. It's "quite funny" how the artists and film critics bla bla bla...the importance of understanding the beginning...bla bla bla...it went from the first half of a situation to the second half in the first three chapters bla bla bla...we scurry around inside the huge post tree of the knowledge of good and evil period but ignore the dense rich pree sin bit.

With this level of perspective i wouldn't be surprised if, oh forget it.

Just look at these pretty pictures http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A0geu9GuphBGKSgAKWlXNyoA?p=deciduous%20forests&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&fp_ip=AU&x=wrt&meta=0&fr2=tab-web

The book

I suppose, despite people's silly beliefs, it is a little sad that they don't believe in God. Or that they do but will wind up hating Him when they die. They will have gathered knowledge of God's evil and bitterness over things He never said they should do. To them God is the scared child with a runny nose, or the fat hypocrite or the crystal, or the psycho. It is sad that at the end of people's lives they have gone so far off track, right down the wrong path. Now of cause only the bible says these things but, "only the bible" is unavoidable truth.

If the bible was false then one day a group would have supposedly gotten together, for instance, to make up books and chapters like Isaiah 53. They probably spoke powerfully that day about an actor from there organization a thousand years from then, that would have one shot from birth to death to play God's son, a perfect sinless brutally killed man. He would have to be perfectly consistent to the old testament, knowing infinitely more then anyone else. When the organization organized the poor baby in a manger scene they must have been nervous about weather the baby could pull it off. They could swap babies but not kids who would have to be perfect by then without any help. They also would of talked about the bible being picked up by the organization a hundred years later to talk about what happened and what's going to happen over 2000 years after the actors birthday. And reveal more creativity of original truths and ideas and literature never though before by anyone.

They must have been busy on the foot notes of Isaiah to pass down to generations thousands of years later so they can understand how to write the new testament. I can see it now, one day emperor Narzi-goring ordered a tax census... These writers must have not just completely understood the impossibly woven Bible, but be able to predict and control the future perfectly from as far away as 3000 years. When they were making some notes for the future part of the bible, they must have pondered how they would be interpreted by different cultures in the near and distant future.

The bible was written by God at the hands of thousands of people, true. Did they each make up a bit? Did they gather in one group when making it up, to keep it consistent. Did indeed a group write the old testament 3000 years ago, pick it up 1000 years later, where they got someone to play Jesus, be brutally crucified and die after living a perfect life. Then they finished the new testament over the next couple of years, perfectly in line with the old testament; with fantastically powerful truths about what Jesus really meant, his exact message of salvation inventing billions more new and original truths. The "actor" for Jesus certainly didn't put a foot wrong, no one had to teach him or fill him in on the organisations beliefs. He fulfilled the prophesy about the coming of the new testament perfectly by making it up as he went.

The whole bible is a first draft written over 3000 years by people who never knew each other. The storyline, information, cultures, names, perfectly placed in history, infinite cross references, ideas and sayings so large, no one person in 5000 years has come close to having a monopoly on the bible like it's organization would all of had. There's no author today with a brain big enough to make up anything like it.

The bible is far to big for one person or group to put together. The bible come with completely original new ideas. Huge stories and truths so woven back and forth through out the book all joining each other; ideas so large that they are still being uncovered today. An inspiration for a whole culture and birth of the earths calender, all that information and twists for one person or organization to have the monopoly of understanding on? yet we are told by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that God didn't make the Bible.

Year right, gimme a break.

Go Left

If you want to militarily and ideologically take over the world. Or if you want to rule your country with an iron fist and run it like a prison camp. Or if you truly want to empower the forces behind terrorism, or north Korea or Iran etc then comrades; you really can only go left. The Left doesn't just strongly disagree about the right and there beliefs, they are disgusted. Disgusted at the rights's stupidity. That it hasn't got as many half truths as them. It amazes me the naivete people have about evil, and there experimenting with having compassion on it. People don't realize just how Satan views God, and the language he uses, it would be helpful for today. But we can see the language the snake would use if we consider the bigger picture. Satan doesn't respect boundaries. He doesn't see the universe in terms of his bit and God's bit. He can't ever do anything other then actively try to reduce God to nothing. He doesn't have the truth or life so he uses the tree of knowledge, and pushes a loyalty to it rather then the tree of life. He doesn't care where someone stands in that tree, as long as they eat it, and not Satan's forbidden fruit on the right. The tree of knowledge of good and evil on the left is Satan's only hope.

The left is useful for presenting ideas to humans who only think in part:- lying slippery overlapping half truths, a deceptive emphasis, we are all familiar with these. Like being at a joint Jehovah's witness socialist meeting. Satan isn't one of the worst people you have ever seen. He lives in God's world, off to the side in darkness and the desire for knowledge of evil in others. He only wants to rob kill and destroy {John 10:10} The left is the serpents only hope of physically getting his hands on Israel and God.

Join the revolution

Where is a majority of anti-Americanism. On the Left or Right.

"Do you hate America? I hate America too. I believe it is our destiny to rise together. We nearly did in in WWI1,11 and the cold war. We are looking forward to China and Iran and north Korea and south America and Cuba and old Europe. We can out number them like Gulliver. Comrades, soon we can have the whole world controlled. There will be no disobedience toward our pushing a superior agenda, every lucky human will live in paradise. 2 hours of morning worship till seven. A green brunch. More worship till ten...

If you have deduced that America is the source of what is wrong with the world, so have i. I urge you to vote left until voting is removed. Then sympathise with the revolution."

The left was born

The dear leftists, always going crook on the forces of good defending themselves against the forces of evil; with a smugness of perceived greater understanding. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil on the left thinks it has obtained greater knowledge then the tree of life. Actually it's all just smoke and mirrors, half truths and craftiness. Just a few thousand years ago the serpent was perving on Eve, dreaming about the future. All pissed off at God's warmongering desire to not kill himself. He started sniggering at God and Eve went along with him without even blinking. Eureka, the left was born.