Easter Sunday

Well it's Easter Sunday and that means the world goes through the motions again. I saw a little on telly this morning and someone was saying something about something a priest did when gearing up for a sermon to "make himself just that little bit more holy." What chance does the world have when the mouthpieces for God are so far off track in what they teach. Usually when some nut job accuses the churches, it's to point out differences in there thinking they believe makes the other wrong. But they are always pathetic little half truths that don't matter. Furthermore they are in fact always the same, on the same side, pushing the exact same belief system, only a slightly different version of the same thing. And when the poor world does get to hear a whisper of the truth, it's almost always an opera through a string cup telephone.

The truth is actually more different then what all the others say, so different from the others that it is likened to a light in the darkness. The truth that you will never hear is one that must result in what it says it does, plainly, "the truth will set you free." What that silly fool on t.v. was preaching was Satan's view, the opposite of God's view and is one of pride, "you can do many things better then God, there is Godly righteousness to be made, and I'm making it." But only God is righteous.

Godly righteousness comes from heaven, it can't be produced on earth. Trying to produce it makes us proud. The true religion of humility is one of receiving:- we can't make ourselves good enough so we have to humble ourselves and receive. People who think they are amazing or who are naturally good law abiding citizens have a problem with realizing they aren't good enough to get into heaven. No wonder Jesus said we have to come as a child. No wonder it is the worst of the sinners that God often turns and uses to glorify Him. The honest natural people among us have a greater sense that they are in fact too sinful for entry into heaven, and get the truth way before those with a {so-called} clean slate.

Humility is a terribly misunderstood concept. In the great example story of Luke 18:9 Jesus said "he who humbles himself will be exulted, and he who exults himself will be humbled." The disgusting poisonous pharisees oozing grotesqueness out of your local "oasis" churches will tell you this means that if you calm yourself down you will be exulted and if you be yourself you will be humbled. How awful, people across the planet are honestly wanting to pursue God and are given this hideous beliefs system to choke on. How blind and arrogant and filled with poison are the religious establishments. The truth is that exulting yourself is showing God how good you are, and humbling yourself is realizing you aren't. But that doesn't matter to the spiritually sleazy stuck up snides and pharisees in there long robes and there stupid rituals and there crushing of the human spirit.

We all have a problem with this blinding truth, and it does annoy me that all people get taught is various versions of the same stupid idea, "I'm amazing and i demand to come in, I'm more godly then others." Just the same as all the other left tree rubbish that keeps you in tyranny.