Gen 3 man

I''m a genesis 3 man. And as a genesis three man i have to say, it' a shame that the first few chapters of the bible; when God is laying out his personality, style, the way He does things as well as Lucifer's and the man and woman; "some" people yorn and get there coffee and biscuits. I'm all for coffee and biscuits, cheese, olives, beef jerky, wine, bear, steak, past er etc, but this is the beginning, the premise. It's "quite funny" how the artists and film critics bla bla bla...the importance of understanding the beginning...bla bla went from the first half of a situation to the second half in the first three chapters bla bla bla...we scurry around inside the huge post tree of the knowledge of good and evil period but ignore the dense rich pree sin bit.

With this level of perspective i wouldn't be surprised if, oh forget it.

Just look at these pretty pictures;_ylt=A0geu9GuphBGKSgAKWlXNyoA?p=deciduous%20forests&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&fp_ip=AU&x=wrt&meta=0&fr2=tab-web