Go Left

If you want to militarily and ideologically take over the world. Or if you want to rule your country with an iron fist and run it like a prison camp. Or if you truly want to empower the forces behind terrorism, or north Korea or Iran etc then comrades; you really can only go left. The Left doesn't just strongly disagree about the right and there beliefs, they are disgusted. Disgusted at the rights's stupidity. That it hasn't got as many half truths as them. It amazes me the naivete people have about evil, and there experimenting with having compassion on it. People don't realize just how Satan views God, and the language he uses, it would be helpful for today. But we can see the language the snake would use if we consider the bigger picture. Satan doesn't respect boundaries. He doesn't see the universe in terms of his bit and God's bit. He can't ever do anything other then actively try to reduce God to nothing. He doesn't have the truth or life so he uses the tree of knowledge, and pushes a loyalty to it rather then the tree of life. He doesn't care where someone stands in that tree, as long as they eat it, and not Satan's forbidden fruit on the right. The tree of knowledge of good and evil on the left is Satan's only hope.

The left is useful for presenting ideas to humans who only think in part:- lying slippery overlapping half truths, a deceptive emphasis, we are all familiar with these. Like being at a joint Jehovah's witness socialist meeting. Satan isn't one of the worst people you have ever seen. He lives in God's world, off to the side in darkness and the desire for knowledge of evil in others. He only wants to rob kill and destroy {John 10:10} The left is the serpents only hope of physically getting his hands on Israel and God.