The truth about good people and God.

The only way to get into heaven is to be righteous. Since only God is righteous we need him to give us His righteousness, which He offers as a free gift in the form of a seed that he waters and makes grow under His own power. Helping Him only makes things worse. The only way to get His righteousness to be humble enough to believe in relying on it instead of ours. People who have been lucky enough to find it easy to be straight in this cruel unfair world naturally rely on there own righteousness that they have achieved. But instead the stoned drunken basted who thinks they aren't good enough to get into heaven is actually closer then Mr goodie two shoes and little miss rich bitch. This is the good news of the gospel:- simple and absolutely necessary, the only way. But the ass hols behind the pulpit don't want to tell you that because they rely on there dirty pathetic righteousness and don't know the truth of Jesus. Isiah 64:6The pampered stiff necked goodie two shoes of the world who have had easy lives are the most responsible for what is spiritually wrong with the world. No wonder Jesus was always pissed off with them and would rather hang out with sinners. Eve let satan back into humanity. One of Jesus's disciples betrayed him. The priests put Jesus on the cross. Marx was a Jew. Anti-Americanism come from America. The churches of the world spread more lies about God then anyone on the planet.

Righteousness comes from God. The only way to become more righteous is to have more of a sense that you aren't and need God's. This truth is so powerful and radically different and driven by God instead of us, that the biggest problem is in simply being able to believe it's true. This is what Jesus meant by "simply believe and you will be saved." Simply believe in this powerful all consuming truth and that is all it needs to go to work. Self righteous people however don't want to believe it because they have accumulated to much good works and information about rubbish, which they would rather hang on too and impress others {including God} with. But the more faith we have in our own righteousness, the less of God's righteousness we have.

Rom 1:16-17 "For i am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation...For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith."

Rom 10:4 "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes."

Kiss my ass pharisees and snides!