In Genesis 1:1 along comes the premise of heaven and earth. In 1:2 the darkness and emptiness of it is revealed. God's way goes right into the middle of it and hovers and broods over it. In1:3 Jesus God's light the word shines.
In Genesis 2:1 The heavens and the earth and the lives were done. 2:2 It was the seventh day and He rested and didn't do anything else, there was no need to go any further or change anything. 2:3 He blessed and sanctified all He had created and made.
In Genesis 3:1 The serpent is introduced as the most cunning and appealed to mans compassionate side with a manipulating accusation against God. In 3:2 Man's Eveologist nature appeased evil, choosing to pit her knowledge against evil instead of bringing God and life into the equation. And finally in 3:3 she gave satan all he needs to go to work and do his thing.
That was it. Adam through Eve joined in satan's ways and started sniggering at and mistrusting the forces of good and appeasing and giving the benefit of a doubt to the forces of evil. They started partaking of tree of the knowledge of good and evil on the left even before they bit into it's fruit and could see what they were doing. The left is the only way to trick man into falling from grace, through self-righteous accumulated of half truths via his sense of superior compassionate nature and the ability to see the injustice of the good. Indeed Eve thought she was smart enough to see the injustice and unfairness of what God was trying to do. On her way to the tree no doubt her superior understanding would have been playing in her head "God's a basted...he's just trying to..." And there it all goes. She began using her knowledge to make the world a better place, not realizing the truth of life she was turning away from.
The problem with information is that it doesn't lead to the truth, it simply increases your understanding what your life or death heart wants to believe. Accumulated information doesn't lead you to truth, only the perspective of life does. If someone is dying, you would rather have a dumb medic who doesn't know much but does know a few simple truth about medicine looking after you then an intellectual with all the degrees and information about many subjects under the sun but has left out that tiny bit of medical truths.
A thirst for knowledge means nothing to finding the truth. Terrorists thirst for knowledge too, of what's bad about you. I'm sure the evil genius has plenty of knowledge of good and evil. Information needs to be targeted to be right. The truth is in "the tree of life v's the tree of knowledge of good and evil", and Eve's desire to appease evil and moving away from life and towards "a tree desire to make one wise" causing her to "took of it's fruits and eat" and "also gave to her husband with her, and he ate." v6 It wasn't called the tree of life and the tree of death, because the proud self-righteous, sniggering, accusing accumulation of so-called superior wisdom brings on the ideology of death. It brings a fall from grace into law and self-righteousness, and a hatred of all things good and Godly in this imperfect world of abundant information. It's a brilliant test by God though, despite how wonderfully Superior in intellect we may think we are, the world has too many truths and lies for any human brain to have a monopoly on. The condition of your spirit can be seen in what small section of the information pie of life you want to believe. Those who want to believe in the slice that bring life, and those that want to believe in the slice that is death.
In Genesis 3 We see the truth of light and darkness, and what makes man fall into darkness and all the trouble it brings into the world. Just like Eve, today's defence lawyers defend the rapist and the murderer out of there compassionate superior wisdom and understanding. Just like Eve the tree intellectuals on the left encourage the marching drones against the injustices and unfairness of free capitalist societies defending themselves against dictatorships. A persons true motives can be seen when picking and choosing various half truths like the casualties of war but ignoring the greater levels of blood created by the dictators or the consequences of appeasing evil and acting to late as in WWI ,II, and on; believing evil can be reasoned with and understood; that it should be shown our superior compassion and that all the world needs is to respond with love not war. And of cause, who wants to believe in God being great and righteous and who wants to believe they are.
In Genesis 1,2,3 the light is revealed for all to see or ignore. After this for the rest of the old testament the world is plunged into darkness but the light of the world is hovering and brooding {Isiah 53 is a good example}. Finally in the new testament the light appears as a baby in a manger, he speaks directly and others inspired speak the light after He is risen. In the last chapter of the last book of the bible, Revelation, the tree of life is mentioned three times as mankind finally makes it back to "the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates of the city" {rev 22:14}.