
It almost seams as though it's set up. We now have a culture, and the movies prove it by the way, that good will always be {in the physical world} stronger then evil, and if good is attacked, it should shrug of the attack as nothing. Might is right because the healthy are mighty and healthy people are right, yet the weirdo es who want to control are handed power. Watching the movie ghostbusters for instance teaches us that by waiting till the last moment, when it is obvious that the opponent really does need to be apposed, when finally the courts of the world realize the truth that we are in fact under attack, then good will be sufficiently backed and will always prov ale {especially if there is enough loving energy in the atmosphere}. Watching a 1985 Dr Who, {when he was at his most appeasement mentality, before the show lost it's mojo and became to boring and typical to continue}, the doctor said, on his way to execution "If we aren't willing to sacrifice our lives for the good of decency, then evil and chaos will spread and overtake the world." Isn't that just the mentality of the serpent all those years ago. "Humanity, give up, it will show your better, i promise." Through history we see the same demand, and those who follow, and the blood that follows, and the part of the pharisees in the church, and the turning away of seekers after God.

As our post ww2 culture teaches us, all we have to do is give up and good will triumph. What age is this? Our hatred of those who want to slaughter our women and children makes our adversaries stronger. All this wicked world needs is love. Anger makes the dark side grow. I can see another biased at work here can't you. The age of evil is coming upon us as before, but this time it's homework is done.