You can use statistics to prove anything, now why would that be. One reason is because of the size of truth, the amount of things there are to consider, and that there are infinitely more lies in the world then there are truths. Because of the amount of lies there are, a mere "search" for truth doesn't guarantee being able to find it. What the heart searches for it finds, "the eyes of the seeker are the ones that see", but what do they see. When the proud sniggering heart searches for truth it only finds proud sniggering truths, because the brain does what thew heart tells it to do, producing information for the heart. The reason why the partakers of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will only ever find Satan's laws and ways of seeing things is because of the heart of the person doing the searching.
The proud of spirit believe that the accumulation of information alone leads to spiritual life. However the proud don't want to believe they are biased, they want to believe that there conclusions are a result of there spiritual purity and greatness as a human being, not to mention there superior intellect. It's no coincidence that the majority of college professors, artists, journalists, actors etc {talented fools, gifted idiots, who's lucky gifts keep them from feeling the real world} are passionate leftists, concluding that the ground is better then the seed, that socialism is better then capitalism, and freedom is a myth. The foolish spiritually proud heart, the dark natural disposition of us all, wants to slip into the doctrine of the whisperers and accusers, the doctrines of the devil who is called "the accuser" Rev 12:10
Here is where the conspiracy theories come in. The proud heart believes it's thinking to be nothing short of amazing, and rather then leave embarrassing blank spaces in there understanding would rather fill them with easy shallow information. They always make statements as questions and go no further because they don't want to. They will say along with homer Simpson "why do they do that, it's because they are stupid, that's why everybody does everything." All they want to do is snigger, and leave it as that because that is there religion, the religion of the serpent in the garden, the accuser. Conspiracy theories are candy for those who would rather know then think, and don't particularly want to take very much into consideration when making important conclusions about our world unless it unsettle there proud opinions.
Conspiracy theorising is easy sniggering at what is good and imperfect. It's a belief system based entirely on lies and half truths and even truths about our imperfect world. With the abundance of lies and lack of understanding about a subject as great at the world, conspiracy theories can go to work very well indeed, but always with one agenda. Why is it that conspiracy theories always conspire about how bad democratic government is {bribes run the world} and capitalism {the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.} Why will little old christian ladies spend there hard earned money on books and tapes about how bad capitalist America is {the best democracy money can buy}? It's because sniggering accusations and lies rely on people's ignorance about the imperfect, lesser of two evils way the world is, as well as the myriad of lies that can be conjured to support any of the growing dark doctrines all on the same side. The lesser of two evils is an easy target for the self-righteous heart that sees moral equivalencies everywhere; that sees the Rights capitalist system of free democracies as "just as bad" as the Lefts socialist dictatorships swarming the planet and on the rise.
When focusing on the knowledge of good and evil as one's measuring stick rather then life, the most brilliant minds can get caught up and lost in 99 lies that seem truer then one truth. And so it is that in these last days people will be proud of there accumulated "good enough" half truths and hate everything that is right and free. So they weigh up the knowledge of good and evil to find more lies then truths, making the conclusion deceit heavy. The idea of the lesser of two evils doesn't come into there thinking because that requires the perspective of life through leaning toward the other tree on the right. The tree on the left only ever produces more lies than truths, and proud intellectuals searching for wisdom prefer amount over substance.