None of us are like God, we are all formed out of the dust and darkness. God's method of salvation is a light in the darkness, and the light is from God by the way, not us. You can't brighten up the room so that light can come in. "You" can't do anything to make the room brighter, and the light doesn't need your help. Attempting to makes you proud and a worshipper of your own achievements. Your job is to simply accept the light and thank God He can do what He does. He sent His son the light to you, your only hope of salvation.
Here is the meaning of the good news of the gospel:- Mankind doesn't have it in him to produce the Godly righteousness that is necessary to get into heaven, so don't try. Trying to produce it is like a blob of mud cleaning itself. The only way that God can look at you and see the righteousness needed for entry into heaven is for him to give it to you in the form of a seed that He waters and makes grow. He then must blot out your past sins, and give you the power over future sin of a promise of continued grace and forgiveness so you don't have to concern yourself with it. That's the only way. God encourages you to forget about your level of purity and simply focus on his greatness. To get you to stop focusing on your sin is absolutely indispensable because sin's power is though the law. This is no cream puff theology of a week mind too stupid to understand the nature of evil, and to guilty to believe anything other then "geeze I hope God can forgive because i just want to be a basted." This is hard nosed truths about freedom and it's absolute necessity for purging pride from the human heart.
Since righteousness is so necessary, and humans don't have the ability to produce it themselves, the only way to get it is for God to impute {Rom 4:6} it to you though humility. But being humble, {another big subject therefore easily misunderstood} doesn't mean being reserved, it means admitting the truth about yourself, that you need God to be your savior because you can't do it. It means giving Him the glory for His trillion dollar gift, and being grateful rather then slapping Him in the face by offering him 20 bucks. This is indispensable because the only way God can keep pride out of heaven is to make salvation a free gift {Rom 6:23} something that can't be worked for because earning salvation or righteousness produces pride {Eph 2:8,9}. The attempt at working for righteousness and acceptance of God apart from faith in how wonderful He is causes your heart to focus on law, making law your focus for salvation rather then God and His grace, causing you to live under the curse of the law. {Gal 3:10} There are no half measures to God's righteous acceptance, it has to be one or the other, either grace of law. {Gal 5:4}
This is the reason why Christan's go on so much about the cross, because of what it means. All the righteous requirements are fulfilled in Jesus because He took on the cross with him all of the sins and diseases in humanity. Because of him, righteousness, acceptance and entry into heaven is given to anyone who believes God is who He is. This is the freedom that Christians talk about when they say they are set free {John 8:36}. They don't have to worry or try, they just have to relax and be themselves and there God will chase there humble heart. {Rom 14:4}
Be careful of finger pointers though. Finger pointers judge you by how well you are living up to the dead law of righteousness outside of grace. When Jesus said "judge not lest you be judged" He meant if you point the finger it shows your belief system is based on the law rather then grace and faith. Therefore you aren't a christian and you aren't going to heaven.