So it's a persons world. Get over it.

We all go to church looking for God, but what we actually find is the pastors world. Dreadfully, this may be the world of some of the narrowest, shallowest, pampered weirdoes on the planet. Yeah i know it sounds corny, but maybe this is the world we live in, the world of the real world church. Maybe this is the reason God uses people to do his speaking and, like Jesus as the word of God, and those who follow Jesus, maybe the best one can expect in a church is the world of the "person/personality" running the place. But hey, that might be o.k., in fact normal, in fact the way it should be in this life:- to not be able to expect anything more from God's church then the world of the man {or transvestite} who started it. It would be admitting the way things are anyway, and stop people from worshipping the pastor thinking he is supposed to be anything like God.

Rather then snigger at imperfections, we could get over the truth that the church is less then 1% God, and get on with finding the rest of him. So maybe the best Godly atmosphere we can expect is that of the person in place in the church in our community. So if your looking for God's atmosphere, the best you can expect in this fallen imperfect world is the atmosphere of A PERSON OF GOD. So were all winging because God isn't in our churches, but really we think the pastor is a wanker. And who knows, if we were to look at the personality of people who have churches what might we find. Empty cells, high pitch morons, those who are good at knowing how to form a church, how to preach regularly for 40 minuets every Sunday and say nothing at all in there long years of service. Good at making a church and that's it. But what is so wrong with that, we should admit the truth that we are all only a certain size and stop winging about it. Maybe the pastor can preach for forty minuets a week, and not have to spread himself to thin running the church as well.

Christianity's claim is that God changes people, so God reveals himself through the changed person, with God's strength being made perfect in weakness. So i guess it's up to the people to decide weather the "dear leader" is just another opportunist with another man made, ground inspired school of thought or not. If the power of God really exists, and we can't see it by merely looking at the sky, then we must also see it in God's people. And so we come face to face with our biggest criticism and the answer, that the pastor of that church is, well, o.k. i guess.