Producers and Receivers

I guess I've always loved going deep into a big subject and out the others side with a hand full of daisies. It's good to simply explain large truths, a lot of people are doing it these days. My favorite is the one that out of all the religions in the world, it is the only one that is completely different. Lets put all the books to all the religions on the table. Which one has the most information in it. Which one is the most creative. Which one has the most interesting story of a man and his torch.

Here's another go at it.

Godly righteousness and salvation can't be produced; It can only be received. God divides up the "free gift" people and the "works of the law" people. Receivers of Him have better hearts. They realize that only God let's them in to paradise and God lets them into paradise. Those left outside are the producers of salvation and righteousness.