Are you trying to show God your worthy? which by the way is exulting self. Human beings can't produce the kind of righteousness needed for entry into heaven. You actually need to have God's own righteousness inside you. Since "only God is righteous" and "all our righteous works are as filthy rags" and "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" righteousness can't be manufactured by us down here on earth, it can only be received. The only way God can look at you and see righteousness is for Him to give it to you, therefore our righteousness is based on receiving not producing. It can't be worked off because that makes humans boast before God. The only way to get into heaven is to believe that Jesus died for your ability to get in; God sent His righteous son to die for what keeps you out, and offers you the free gift of salvation to received as the only way.
Some say "no tanks, god, you wait till i show you what i have done." And the righteous live by faith and the sinners keep producing death.