Most churches are dead. They are a catastrophe, a damned failure. What a disgusting, smelly diseased blight on humanity and God's cause they have festered themselves into. They have proven beyond measure or doubt there unwavering elegance to the forces of death, supporting satan in the spirit realm of religion as well as the physical real of politics. Wise men still seek God, but must avoid most churches at any cost, what a horrid situation they have put the world into, but could one really expect any less. One searches for God and goes to church, but is then turned away after being faced with those who are supposed to be his ambassadors on earth. Those who represent the all mighty, the most infinite in knowledge and understanding, but are among the stupidest, shallowest creatures ever to burst out of the dust.
Most churches are indeed dead, long live the alternatives if there are any, long live those who gather to talk of the light on a hill where ever they are. Long live those who the church tries to destroy.
The churches of today are a failure and devils advocate. As Jesus Himself said, "does anyone light a lamp and put it under a cover." The church is supposed to be a light on a hill. If most people in the community don't know where it is, is it a church. If the building and it's people are seen as weirdos with nothing to say, is it a church. If the message from the church is no different from all other messages in the world, is it Jesus' message. The church's message is supposed to be a light in the darkness. If those living in darkness can't see the message because it is dull and lifeless, is it really light. And don't believe there self-righteous ridiculous excuse that it is all satan's fault. Is it harder to see light because there is to much darkness. Is the true light battling the darkness and loosing. Why do 99.999% of people not go to church, because the darkness is to dark, or because the light is to dark.
But this is the church of today, weirdos have made there case for and against the church, and no one wants to listen to either now, so nothing is done, not for centuries, not since Martin Luther King nailed the 95 thesis to the Roman Catholic church door.
Modern churches are cold and dark places for virtually every soul God creates. Is there something wrong with this picture. Those who thirst for him are led away down a slow path of failure only realizing to late, when there years are gone, spilled out like water on the ground. You are taught to believe in a God that is smaller then almost every aspect of who you are, including your heart and mind. One is instructed to suffocate first, and wait to breath in Him. But the breathing never comes, and when you ask for help you are fed molasses, more lies that suffocate, rubbish about testing times and holding on, that satan obviously hates you, so hang in there. Hang in there indeed, with stupid shallow views of the world and life.
Do not be so foolish as to throw your life away in a church, but live and grow and reach for the true God that is bigger then your wildest dreams and desires. Do not blame yourself because on a dark night the light can't be seen. Don't believe the foolish logic that you can't see the light because you are standing in darkness. O what a contradiction. Instead wait for God to be Himself and catch you unawares. And until then, live damn you, live. And when you die, hopefully you will like God, and not be bitter and angry at Him because of your local church.