What a lot of people don't realize is that at the beginning of the bible we are introduced not just to the characters but there personalities. God introduces Himself as a "light in the darkness," Satan as "the most cunning," Eve as "a listener of evil," and Adam as "less of a man." The biass of this post for me will be about Satan himself and the way of him and his followers.
Satan is called the most cunning. What does this mean about the way he operates in the world, the natural world of today. Is he sloppy in his work, will the world hate him more and more as his days are numbered? Not if he is supposed to cunning. Doesn't that naturally mean that he will operate "under the radar?" So what should we say then. Does he and his followers advocate war, do they conduct there wars in front of the worlds media. Is it also on the other hand to much to believe that when he does have to come out from under the radar, it will only be by appearing as an angel of light, as Jesus said he often does. And that the "whisperer" only ever loudly pushes his agenda when the world thinks it is good.
So in these last days the world hates war more and more, is the world slipping out of Satan's hands? As the world moves towards the politics of "fairness and equality" is Satan dong a terrible job. When millions march in agreement of there hatred toward "evil" capitalism is Satan loosing his grip in these last days. Surely the marching millions against war is a sign that Satan is growing tired and week, or does it sound as absurd as it is. Indeed.
War is something the forces of good do. Evil doesn't go to war. Evil accuses and quietly moves toward the territory of good, and where there is blood evil blames the upfront open forces of good for it. As the last day approaches, the victims in the court room and the battle field will be angrily accused of "disproportional" responses. That is evils way, it makes your response seem disproportional by attacking under the radar and pointing the finger at your above the radar response.
Look at the reason for all this, Israel. Even a child who knows nothing will answer that war is always wrong, that dialog is the only way. But this is the 1st layer of a belief system of little bells and fairies and unicorns. The second level is similar, that there is no such thing as evil. The 3rd is awful, that we cause evil with our lack of understanding. These beliefs systems are born in the bosom of the child who is insulated from the real world by there parents. If something goes wrong, someone else will protect them. Being so looked after by the responsible they can dream and play with disastrous beliefs as much as they want, criticising those brutes that are fighting for there lives and only making enemies for themselves. The pampered elites in intellectua, the talented fools and gifted idiots whose talents protect them from the harsh reality of the ground, can dream of there Utopian societies where a better world is planed and ruled with an iron fist. Where equality is enforced and those who disagree are sent to re-education facilities.
Israel naturally finds itself in this predicament. Last year, as the Lebanese were making trouble at Cronulla beach in Australia, Israel was raked over the coals for there disproportionate response toward Hezbollah in Lebanon. The quiet, calculating, under the radar "resistance rockets" on Israeli civilians had been going on for years but the world was in an outrage at Israel's 3 week "open obvious war" on Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.
So, remembering the garden we see poor Israel, surrounded by her cunning under the radar enemies continuing there quiet advancement. While the worlds courts come as an angel of light condemning war and calling Israel an aggressive war mongerer.
That's the sly bastard's way.