Closer or further away from the point?

It's always only a matter of time until all things are distilled into there own. In the garden of Edin life was presented with the two trees and the end times will be marked by things settling to what they certainly are. The wheat will be separated from the chaff and sides will be ultimately chosen. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil produces information supporting whatever the heart is, and in the end the truth of all will be certain. The proud belief system to submerse itself deeper, or go to the the other tree's humble belief system. Truth is black and white but understanding it isn't. Most people who take on the proud view of life don't know what they are doing and visa versa. So many people wasting there time and energy in support of the awful ideology.

Naturally the peace protesters are most responsible for the wars and lingering threats to the security of the world, holding back the forces of freedom and supporting the forces of oppression. In an imperfect world perfect standards are applied to what is good but not what is bad. Self-righteousness causes the imperfect forces of good to be sniggered at and information is accumulated against it. While evil is forgiven because it's not trying to earn it's way into heaven.