Naturally people water down the good news. The religious people try to perfect it's opposite, the others either don't want to do it's opposite or just don't want to believe it's opposite. The "good news" school of thought may be the worlds most fascinating subject, but certainly doesn't seem to be known by many. Not everyone sees a light when they look at the hill, indeed, most see an oppressive system of freedom.
Shore the good news is that the righteousness needed for salvation can't be manufactured by us on earth. So what if it can only be made by God and come from heaven. It doesn't matter that receivers of righteousness get into heaven, producers don't. That certainly doesn't stop 99.9% of preaching about God being about how to produce righteousness.
What a funny little belief system. Producers are always busy trying to show God how amazing they are. But God prefers the company of receivers, who believe in him being all powerful, merciful, graceful, loving. Unlike the producers they truly believe they are nothing without Him, that is, they are not God without Him. He is the potter and they are the receiving end. And receive they do, playing with Jesus in the fields while the others are outside in an interview with there false god's.
Those playful life-enjoying receivers have lot's of wonderful respect for God too. The producers want him to be a runny nosed little child who needs to hold your hand for re-assurance of your strength whenever it gets frightened.
Still doing God's work?
People naturally snigger at the light, like Eve in the garden with her bitchy friend. They don't want to believe in an all powerful God who chases the humble God-righteous heart and keeps the self-righteous producing snides out. I suppose He just doesn't want heaven filled with people who are good at following rules but love criticising, finger pointing, judging, manipulating, whispering and sniggering at the light they don't want to believe in.