Militant Islam gets supported by the left, naturally, but let’s not have its particular ideology amongst the world. And let’s call it what it is; an excuses to allow yourself to get as murderously angry as you want for seventy two virgins in paradise.
America gets attacked by all of the world’s haters, murderers, and blood thirsty dictators. America is hated by all the anti-capitalists who would prefer to get there music downloads as the “dear leaders” song sheets from the ministry of fun and games. “A trip to the hair dressers with the girls”, is not supposed to be for the women on the left. They are supposed to prefer walking in to the “government hairdressing outlets” and not be asked what they would like done to there hair, but shout that lovely slogan of the dear leader “let us all cut our hair no more then one inch for our socialist paradise.”
Our true war is with the entire left. Every time this thing rises up it thinks its destiny is coming true, a police dictator society. They caused rivers of blood in the last century with ww1, ww2, and the cold war, and all the others. America had to face down Saddam in the two-part gulf war that was the only war ever sanctioned by the U.N. Then another unsanctioned U.S. war in kicking Slobodan into a European U.N. court and stop his purging of Muslims.
As America throws itself into the Middle East to try to protect the forces of decency so they can stand up and be heard; a growing voice from modern moderate Islam against militant Islam, does the U.N. help? No. It tries to weaken the growth of moderate people in the heart of the cauldron of Islamic hatred and blaming.
While it’s dragging the heals on America helping Arabia, does the U.N. actually help in other places in the world. Start with what should be first, the currant genocide in the Sudan. There we go, a perfect example. A U.N. style trouble spot in need of U.N. power. So what is the U.N. doing? Nothing.
Hey Muslims. Thank you [1] U.N. Thank you [2] U.S.
Please tic box.
I'd like to critisise George Bush, if i may.
Why doesn’t he just relax around the snides and talk like a man. Just tell them that Iraq was to get the best of humanity involved in the middle east as fast as possible in an age of terror. The Middle East is to week to defend itself from the most backward forces in there population; there religion. A pure form of Islam means no modernity, forced religious chanting, etc. The idealist logic of militant Islam is allowed to be called what it is by now. A lonely or insecure or angry idiot can go to heaven and have 72 virgins. People who make you feel bad by proving your religion wrong are “conveniently” allowed to be killed by you. It allows you to kill others for righteousness and virgins. Mohammad brought a religious school of thought that allows you to not deal with your narrow-mindedness. Islam is a religion that encourages the angry and violent rapist nature in people to come out and suppress reason and tolerance and forgiveness. A religion of peace?
One “could” “also” say that this religion is brought on by the Middle East basket case, where the weirdest and angriest and biggest blamers rule the day:- those “pure and beautiful” who are allowed to lie to advance there religion. Those who can kill if they want to. There hearts do find “good” reasons to kill though. Anyone who is different is wrong, and should be destroyed. What chance for peace when critics must die. What an excuse to be as shallow and dogmatic and racist and angry and murderess and righteous-rape-punishing as your Muslim heart might want to be. And if one does kill or torture or rape for Allah, he goes to heaven and gets 72 virgin rape victims.
Did you see that? It was a question of suspicion.
One “could” even believe they wouldn’t have much time for Allah in this easily earned paradise of there’s. Out in the gardens and on walks through the forests at night in heaven, snuggling up on the carpets, on grass, well no actually. Those young men have disciplined themselves, they would prefer to be sitting in silence chanting to Allah for hours each day. Morning Allah prays followed by 2 hours of chanting. Followed by memorizing the Torah for four hours.
At the end of the day, the all seeing Allah would tell the killers of infidels how many minuets till night chanting class.
Where is the ridiculous propaganda pictures one would expect from the left. Walking over the hill in the middle of the day, like the sound of music, with your 72 virgins.
Ask the physiologists if militant Islam is an ideology of peace. What about the cycle of violence that the left always blames on the right.
I‘d like to say something critical of George Bush, if I may. George, just tell it straight to them.
One “could” “also” say that this religion is brought on by the Middle East basket case, where the weirdest and angriest and biggest blamers rule the day:- those “pure and beautiful” who are allowed to lie to advance there religion. Those who can kill if they want to. There hearts do find “good” reasons to kill though. Anyone who is different is wrong, and should be destroyed. What chance for peace when critics must die. What an excuse to be as shallow and dogmatic and racist and angry and murderess and righteous-rape-punishing as your Muslim heart might want to be. And if one does kill or torture or rape for Allah, he goes to heaven and gets 72 virgin rape victims.
Did you see that? It was a question of suspicion.
One “could” even believe they wouldn’t have much time for Allah in this easily earned paradise of there’s. Out in the gardens and on walks through the forests at night in heaven, snuggling up on the carpets, on grass, well no actually. Those young men have disciplined themselves, they would prefer to be sitting in silence chanting to Allah for hours each day. Morning Allah prays followed by 2 hours of chanting. Followed by memorizing the Torah for four hours.
At the end of the day, the all seeing Allah would tell the killers of infidels how many minuets till night chanting class.
Where is the ridiculous propaganda pictures one would expect from the left. Walking over the hill in the middle of the day, like the sound of music, with your 72 virgins.
Ask the physiologists if militant Islam is an ideology of peace. What about the cycle of violence that the left always blames on the right.
I‘d like to say something critical of George Bush, if I may. George, just tell it straight to them.
Lesser of two evils
I was just watching an American documentary on the evils of GIANT CORPORATIONS TAKING OVER FROM LOCAL MOMA'S AND POPA'S SMALL SHOPS. It is a damn shame though being muscled out by bigger and richer organizations. The difference is in how you see it. Is it another company that has built up more clout, or a heartless capitalist corporation?
Dale Carnegie said that "most human reasoning is finding excuses to believe what you want to believe". The left lives in a fantasy world where anything outside of it, regardless of the good it brings, isn't perfect and therefore evil. There search through the knowledge of good and evil will always cause them to be endlessly tied up in scales and words, and since the reality of capitalism is worse then there wildest fantasies, it will always end up demonized.
Pluses and minuses in the great tapestry of truth are the building blocks of the big picture. But not if you are a partaker of the fruit on the left. To them, who focus only on detail rather then the whole picture, knowledge is but a means of creating a string of pearls for an evil agenda: Disregarding vital truth, announce the death of the human spirit in disguise as key gripes like, fairness and equality.
By now, however, I’m surely just talking out of my ass on subjects out of my depth. But I do have what all should admit to, a disposition that interprets life the way we want. And my cut says that anti-capitalists and reality snigerers have a mostly unknown agenda, one that heads in the same direction of what they are all fighting for. You do the math.
Dale Carnegie said that "most human reasoning is finding excuses to believe what you want to believe". The left lives in a fantasy world where anything outside of it, regardless of the good it brings, isn't perfect and therefore evil. There search through the knowledge of good and evil will always cause them to be endlessly tied up in scales and words, and since the reality of capitalism is worse then there wildest fantasies, it will always end up demonized.
Pluses and minuses in the great tapestry of truth are the building blocks of the big picture. But not if you are a partaker of the fruit on the left. To them, who focus only on detail rather then the whole picture, knowledge is but a means of creating a string of pearls for an evil agenda: Disregarding vital truth, announce the death of the human spirit in disguise as key gripes like, fairness and equality.
By now, however, I’m surely just talking out of my ass on subjects out of my depth. But I do have what all should admit to, a disposition that interprets life the way we want. And my cut says that anti-capitalists and reality snigerers have a mostly unknown agenda, one that heads in the same direction of what they are all fighting for. You do the math.
The 2 trees in the Garden of Eden
"who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the spirit; for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life." 2 Corinthians 3:6
1. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
In the centre of the garden of Eden God planted two trees, two schools of thought, two kinds of fruit bearing like-minded leanings in the partaker. On the left we have the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that God told Adam and Even not to eat, "for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die" Genesis 2:17.
By eating from that tree we replace God's righteousness with the search for our own righteousness within ourselves by the only way we can, our knowledge of good and evil. This makes one focus on themselves instead of God and results in self-righteousness and pride. We believe we can obtain greater levels of Godly righteousness by following deduced laws, and law becomes our savior and our God. We then start trying to earn our way into heaven and God's good graces by proving to Him that we are quite God-like ourselves, reducing Him in size and increasing ours. We measure ourselves against others and God according to a man made list, trying to prove the good in us and lack of evil. We try to use knowledge of law to get to life, but it only leads to death. Galatians 2:21 says "I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain." And 3:21 "for if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law."
When self-righteous people read the bible it testifies of the letter of the law to them and they die spiritually. When God-righteous people read the bible it testifies of the spirit of the law written in there hearts by the spirit and they become spiritually alive. 2 Corinthians 3:3
2. The tree of life.
The bible starts out and ends with two trees. Man partakes of the tree on the left, and after thousands of years of putting up with having to learn about evil, is finally able to finish his journey back to the tree of life and is healed. The tree of life is the path to God. It's God's way, His style, the way He does things, and it is the true moral measure by how we understand the truth of good and evil.
The bible clearly tells us not to judge people. It also clearly tells us that we will know people by there fruit. Evils response to it being found out is that "we shouldn't judge", and every left leaning clown who thinks they are a Christian gladly goes along with it and will happily withdraw there "accusations". The fools. How can they "expose the darkness" as Jesus says we should? What sort of pathetic "light on a hill" is this? 99.9% of people professing to be Christians teach that the "light" is how well you can live by rules, and the “darkness” is people's lack of desire to get in line and do as they are told, in this evil free world we live in.
The difference between "judging" which we are not to do, and "knowing by there fruit" which we are, is this: When you judge someone, you are making an outward assessment of a person according to the knowledge of good and evil. When you "know" by there "fruits" you are making an inward assessment according to life. Therefore considering someone changes from "do they swear, do they go to church, do they dress well, are they showing God they are worthy" to "do they carry an atmosphere of life, can I be myself around them, do they support other people's freedom, are they controlling or not, do they look for the good or the bad in others, are they accepting, or do they condemn, do there words free or enslave." Rom 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the spirit."
When Jesus said in Luke 6:37 "judge not, lest you be judged. Condemn not, lest you be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven" he wasn't simply saying, "It’s not nice to judge, what goes around comes around." He was saying that when you judge, it shows that you don't get what salvation actually means, you still think in terms of others being less a sinner then yourself.
The law of liberty.
These are the way things have to be. Naturally the truth runs against all worldly wisdom about spiritual matters, but could you expect anything less from a belief that is supposed to be so different from all the others that it is likened to a light on a hill. If you get it then you "see the light". I apologize if my words make it difficult to understand at first. But the good news is that the truth of the kingdom of heaven is not reserved for the intellectuals only. Quite the opposite, the intellectuals usually would rather pursue knowledge and rules, which is why Jesus suggests we approach him with the simplicity of a child.
Acts 16:31 "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved".
The truth is like a knife, the sharpest point is at the beginning, and if you get that smallest part, you have it all. When you realize the pin prick beginning, the weight of the rest will happen by itself. The "good news" is that it's simple, you don't have to go through years of study, or perfection, and you don't have to "sanctify yourself". The most important part is so poignant Jesus calls it a seed. Receive the seed, and it grows by itself. Your job is not to be the seed, but the ground. Simply believe that God is God.
People who snigger at the truth often say "you’re saying that you can do whatever you want and God forgives.” But if what you’re saying is the truth, that is one of the first things people will naturally think. Three times in the book of Romans the apostle Paul sums up the gospel by suggesting that is what it sounds like he is saying. Rom 3:8, 6:1, 6:14.
Freedom can be difficult to understand when one has spent many years in slavery. How can God do this, how can he be so extravagant. How can God "be kind to the un-thankful". Luke 6:35. Ah bugger it. Next subject.
1. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
In the centre of the garden of Eden God planted two trees, two schools of thought, two kinds of fruit bearing like-minded leanings in the partaker. On the left we have the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that God told Adam and Even not to eat, "for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die" Genesis 2:17.
By eating from that tree we replace God's righteousness with the search for our own righteousness within ourselves by the only way we can, our knowledge of good and evil. This makes one focus on themselves instead of God and results in self-righteousness and pride. We believe we can obtain greater levels of Godly righteousness by following deduced laws, and law becomes our savior and our God. We then start trying to earn our way into heaven and God's good graces by proving to Him that we are quite God-like ourselves, reducing Him in size and increasing ours. We measure ourselves against others and God according to a man made list, trying to prove the good in us and lack of evil. We try to use knowledge of law to get to life, but it only leads to death. Galatians 2:21 says "I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain." And 3:21 "for if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law."
When self-righteous people read the bible it testifies of the letter of the law to them and they die spiritually. When God-righteous people read the bible it testifies of the spirit of the law written in there hearts by the spirit and they become spiritually alive. 2 Corinthians 3:3
2. The tree of life.
The bible starts out and ends with two trees. Man partakes of the tree on the left, and after thousands of years of putting up with having to learn about evil, is finally able to finish his journey back to the tree of life and is healed. The tree of life is the path to God. It's God's way, His style, the way He does things, and it is the true moral measure by how we understand the truth of good and evil.
The bible clearly tells us not to judge people. It also clearly tells us that we will know people by there fruit. Evils response to it being found out is that "we shouldn't judge", and every left leaning clown who thinks they are a Christian gladly goes along with it and will happily withdraw there "accusations". The fools. How can they "expose the darkness" as Jesus says we should? What sort of pathetic "light on a hill" is this? 99.9% of people professing to be Christians teach that the "light" is how well you can live by rules, and the “darkness” is people's lack of desire to get in line and do as they are told, in this evil free world we live in.
The difference between "judging" which we are not to do, and "knowing by there fruit" which we are, is this: When you judge someone, you are making an outward assessment of a person according to the knowledge of good and evil. When you "know" by there "fruits" you are making an inward assessment according to life. Therefore considering someone changes from "do they swear, do they go to church, do they dress well, are they showing God they are worthy" to "do they carry an atmosphere of life, can I be myself around them, do they support other people's freedom, are they controlling or not, do they look for the good or the bad in others, are they accepting, or do they condemn, do there words free or enslave." Rom 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the spirit."
When Jesus said in Luke 6:37 "judge not, lest you be judged. Condemn not, lest you be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven" he wasn't simply saying, "It’s not nice to judge, what goes around comes around." He was saying that when you judge, it shows that you don't get what salvation actually means, you still think in terms of others being less a sinner then yourself.
The law of liberty.
These are the way things have to be. Naturally the truth runs against all worldly wisdom about spiritual matters, but could you expect anything less from a belief that is supposed to be so different from all the others that it is likened to a light on a hill. If you get it then you "see the light". I apologize if my words make it difficult to understand at first. But the good news is that the truth of the kingdom of heaven is not reserved for the intellectuals only. Quite the opposite, the intellectuals usually would rather pursue knowledge and rules, which is why Jesus suggests we approach him with the simplicity of a child.
Acts 16:31 "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved".
The truth is like a knife, the sharpest point is at the beginning, and if you get that smallest part, you have it all. When you realize the pin prick beginning, the weight of the rest will happen by itself. The "good news" is that it's simple, you don't have to go through years of study, or perfection, and you don't have to "sanctify yourself". The most important part is so poignant Jesus calls it a seed. Receive the seed, and it grows by itself. Your job is not to be the seed, but the ground. Simply believe that God is God.
People who snigger at the truth often say "you’re saying that you can do whatever you want and God forgives.” But if what you’re saying is the truth, that is one of the first things people will naturally think. Three times in the book of Romans the apostle Paul sums up the gospel by suggesting that is what it sounds like he is saying. Rom 3:8, 6:1, 6:14.
Freedom can be difficult to understand when one has spent many years in slavery. How can God do this, how can he be so extravagant. How can God "be kind to the un-thankful". Luke 6:35. Ah bugger it. Next subject.
Eve's advice:- to the left. March!
Ugo Chaves, Venezuela's bloated socialist personification of the god of sniggering, said that he thought Jesus was the first socialist. I'll respect that and say Eve was the first socialist. One day the serpent was lying around studying and perving on Eve. The serpent realized that he had a connection with eve; he might do a bit of sniggering at the Great Lord God Almighty. Ulrika! he was right, he found man's weakness. Rather then choosing freedom and turn ever so slightly to God and say "who is this that doesn't like our God" she accepted snigering tyranny and believed his views about God and decided to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She became inspired by the intellectual greatness of appeasement; a belief that all should surrender to the accuser. He convinced her to mistrust the intentions of those on the side of upfront honest openness, and give those on the side of finger pointing, criticizing, whispering and accusing the benefit of a doubt.
Satan's first recruit, Eveology, shared in his belief system that others should give up accept him. On that little walk through the garden towards the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Eve was convinced to herself that a snake is right: - God is a lying basted, just trying to keep us from being better humans, wiser, superior creatures who give up and demand others do to. She gave the fruit to Adam, and then all that needed to be done was to eat and teach God the truth about why He should reduce in size and die.
When they ate of the fruit the full cycle of deaths strategy must have raced through there newly furnished self-righteous minds. "My superiority as a human being, far and above all others means a couple of forgone conclusions. My understanding and compassion is so great, I have the ability to understand and have compassion even on the least deserving, the poor bloodthirsty murderer. My superior levels of forgiveness can forgive the murderer. My fantastic levels of humility reveal that in fact we are no worse them him, if only he would have been loved more. I understand the nature of life, it's not his fault, it's our evil society. Punishing him would continue the cycle of violence; the only way to end hatred and murder is though love. All the world need is love. Now let’s stop believing evil exists and take responsibility. I demand others take on my superior lazy opinions and put down there weapons, only then will we stop antagonizing our better half to violence. All who stand in our way must be destroyed so love can reign. The blood will flow, but only for the greater good of a perfect society. Unfortunately freedom and its defenders must also go so peace can rule with an iron fist, and that means you to Israel."
Then God will have to come back and defend Israel himself, and it will end.
Satan's first recruit, Eveology, shared in his belief system that others should give up accept him. On that little walk through the garden towards the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Eve was convinced to herself that a snake is right: - God is a lying basted, just trying to keep us from being better humans, wiser, superior creatures who give up and demand others do to. She gave the fruit to Adam, and then all that needed to be done was to eat and teach God the truth about why He should reduce in size and die.
When they ate of the fruit the full cycle of deaths strategy must have raced through there newly furnished self-righteous minds. "My superiority as a human being, far and above all others means a couple of forgone conclusions. My understanding and compassion is so great, I have the ability to understand and have compassion even on the least deserving, the poor bloodthirsty murderer. My superior levels of forgiveness can forgive the murderer. My fantastic levels of humility reveal that in fact we are no worse them him, if only he would have been loved more. I understand the nature of life, it's not his fault, it's our evil society. Punishing him would continue the cycle of violence; the only way to end hatred and murder is though love. All the world need is love. Now let’s stop believing evil exists and take responsibility. I demand others take on my superior lazy opinions and put down there weapons, only then will we stop antagonizing our better half to violence. All who stand in our way must be destroyed so love can reign. The blood will flow, but only for the greater good of a perfect society. Unfortunately freedom and its defenders must also go so peace can rule with an iron fist, and that means you to Israel."
Then God will have to come back and defend Israel himself, and it will end.
Christmas is here.
Santa Clause is a bribed, cruel old basted: He gives more presents to the rich kids and less to the poor. And for the really poor, Santa isn't even coming this christmas.
Yeah yeah yeah, Santa almost always buys his presents from the local shops. UFO pictures from the fifties always look like the style at the time, and how can we arrive at the truth.
No matter what people do, it's no guarantee that people can arrive at a better world view simply by increasing there brain power. For an example, the kid in the classroom with the lowest I.Q. might love George Bush. And the kid with higher I.Q likes him but not as much. The kid with even higher I.Q. thinks Bush is O.K. but prefers Nancy Pelosi. The kid with high I.Q might hate George bush and love Hitler. But the kid with even higher I.Q might love George Bush.
What really is the correct upbringing for children to arrive at "the view"? Also, you might stand back and put things in more perspective when you get older, and you think you have it. Then when your even older you think that when you were young you didn't know anything. But what if humans lived till 900 years old. At 500 they might see it all clearly. Then at 700 realize how foolish they were.
Again, your environment might gel well with your personal culture and energy, creating an easier slip up to great heights. Turn the tables and you might have a story of growing better because of adversary, yet not as far as being a water lilly in the desert.
The influence of the environment is a very good constant. We truly are a product of our environment. America's creativity is the result of a "tyrannical" society.
But the worst {just a saying} thing is when you see the right, sorry, spelling mistake, the light, and every church you go to is left.
If it dawned on someone in this county about God, they would go to church to find out more. At church they would find some really good people. And other things. {delicious morsels for later to be tarted up, each story a delightful feast of the senses}
Anyway...geez. Arriving at knowing you have the truth is difficult, i suppose we just have to say "this is my truth," but how passionate should we be about "our truth," enough to push it onto someone else, demand they see things our way. You could let it go, but what if everyone did it. What if all the police put down there weapons and held out there hand in love and peace. If the rule is that no one fights, then the calculating bloodthirsty fuckwit wins.
Unless you have a GOD?
The idea of giving up so good will provale stems from being in a situation where God is in control. The idea works if someone else is taking responsibility over your romantic ideals. Naturally there is the truth that pushing and making an ass of yourself will create resistance. The Japanese have a saying, "the nail that sticks out the most gets hammered". For a quiet reserved tight little country with lots of people a saying like this would naturally emerge and be very much believed in. And the stupid among us will naturally think that it is always a universal truth, applied to every situation. But that's life, how far does a passive angle go until it causes more war.
Your God.
Some people have a really big God. Some people's god, is a whimpering, snivelling scared little kid who gets angry and frightened quickly and needs to hold your hand to be reassured of your strength. Most people fall somewhere in-between, somewhere around powerful but angry and needs your help with salvation, righteousness etc.
I suppose we all have gods, some worship the god of forgetting about the subject and so on... {If you can believe that, you'll believe anything.} I don't believe that a porch sitting on the beach with an instruction book on how and who created it popped out of the sand. I also love the magical romantic pull away from having the answer answered and putting up with who you think is an angry big dumb bum god. And people don't like there life-long views destroyed. That can be very disastrous, mine have been destroyed many times over.
So it's pretty safe to say that people are a product of there environment. Asian Buddhist's love the colors of yellow and red and a bald head. The Arabs love Islams beautifully singing at dawn or sundown with the smell of the desert air and Crystal clear Sky's. Or the beautifully colors and writing around mosques. And the universal slaves desire to line yourself up as much as possible to comfortable rules that bring relief. The way of all other religions and people's.
And we all do it. I am but a fool. Later I'll think i was stupid 6 months ago. I have questions about God and life, i firmly believe the world is to big to put into perspective. I thank God i believe He reached out to me and gave me the disposition to recognize at least where the light is cumming from.
God's past. The lead up to the beginning.
If you go far back enough in time you will eventually arrive at a point when there was nothing, no physical matter. Now we have something. The only way to go from nothing to something is for it to be created. Therefore creativity had to be the first thing to exist, and must have always existed. This creativity we call God.
Funny thing about eternity, if something has the mojo to never end, then it must also have never began. For infinite eternity all there was in the universe was God, 100% light and power and personality. Not God siting in outer space that is bigger then Him, but just Him. Then one day the creator, the artist, decided to be himself and create something for a change. So, in the middle of the eternal time slot he went to work. The first things He created were things that never existed before:- darkness, emptiness, void and formlessness. He then hovered over the dark deep howling mass and said "let" there be light. "Let" not "created" because light already existed.
Before the beginning there were no sunrises or sunsets, there was only God. God's universe was perfect, but one can't improve on perfection. So he created imperfection, independent free law from Him, and set free will in motion. God had to create these lesser things in order to get the beautiful wonder of the sun going down and the stars coming out.
There was a few other things He had to do. He had to make free room for everything to distill to itself, over time the truth would come out, but only with the creation of freedom. And so it is, that God created a world that people could live and breath, and choose...
Yeah yeah yeah, Santa almost always buys his presents from the local shops. UFO pictures from the fifties always look like the style at the time, and how can we arrive at the truth.
No matter what people do, it's no guarantee that people can arrive at a better world view simply by increasing there brain power. For an example, the kid in the classroom with the lowest I.Q. might love George Bush. And the kid with higher I.Q likes him but not as much. The kid with even higher I.Q. thinks Bush is O.K. but prefers Nancy Pelosi. The kid with high I.Q might hate George bush and love Hitler. But the kid with even higher I.Q might love George Bush.
What really is the correct upbringing for children to arrive at "the view"? Also, you might stand back and put things in more perspective when you get older, and you think you have it. Then when your even older you think that when you were young you didn't know anything. But what if humans lived till 900 years old. At 500 they might see it all clearly. Then at 700 realize how foolish they were.
Again, your environment might gel well with your personal culture and energy, creating an easier slip up to great heights. Turn the tables and you might have a story of growing better because of adversary, yet not as far as being a water lilly in the desert.
The influence of the environment is a very good constant. We truly are a product of our environment. America's creativity is the result of a "tyrannical" society.
But the worst {just a saying} thing is when you see the right, sorry, spelling mistake, the light, and every church you go to is left.
If it dawned on someone in this county about God, they would go to church to find out more. At church they would find some really good people. And other things. {delicious morsels for later to be tarted up, each story a delightful feast of the senses}
Anyway...geez. Arriving at knowing you have the truth is difficult, i suppose we just have to say "this is my truth," but how passionate should we be about "our truth," enough to push it onto someone else, demand they see things our way. You could let it go, but what if everyone did it. What if all the police put down there weapons and held out there hand in love and peace. If the rule is that no one fights, then the calculating bloodthirsty fuckwit wins.
Unless you have a GOD?
The idea of giving up so good will provale stems from being in a situation where God is in control. The idea works if someone else is taking responsibility over your romantic ideals. Naturally there is the truth that pushing and making an ass of yourself will create resistance. The Japanese have a saying, "the nail that sticks out the most gets hammered". For a quiet reserved tight little country with lots of people a saying like this would naturally emerge and be very much believed in. And the stupid among us will naturally think that it is always a universal truth, applied to every situation. But that's life, how far does a passive angle go until it causes more war.
Your God.
Some people have a really big God. Some people's god, is a whimpering, snivelling scared little kid who gets angry and frightened quickly and needs to hold your hand to be reassured of your strength. Most people fall somewhere in-between, somewhere around powerful but angry and needs your help with salvation, righteousness etc.
I suppose we all have gods, some worship the god of forgetting about the subject and so on... {If you can believe that, you'll believe anything.} I don't believe that a porch sitting on the beach with an instruction book on how and who created it popped out of the sand. I also love the magical romantic pull away from having the answer answered and putting up with who you think is an angry big dumb bum god. And people don't like there life-long views destroyed. That can be very disastrous, mine have been destroyed many times over.
So it's pretty safe to say that people are a product of there environment. Asian Buddhist's love the colors of yellow and red and a bald head. The Arabs love Islams beautifully singing at dawn or sundown with the smell of the desert air and Crystal clear Sky's. Or the beautifully colors and writing around mosques. And the universal slaves desire to line yourself up as much as possible to comfortable rules that bring relief. The way of all other religions and people's.
And we all do it. I am but a fool. Later I'll think i was stupid 6 months ago. I have questions about God and life, i firmly believe the world is to big to put into perspective. I thank God i believe He reached out to me and gave me the disposition to recognize at least where the light is cumming from.
God's past. The lead up to the beginning.
If you go far back enough in time you will eventually arrive at a point when there was nothing, no physical matter. Now we have something. The only way to go from nothing to something is for it to be created. Therefore creativity had to be the first thing to exist, and must have always existed. This creativity we call God.
Funny thing about eternity, if something has the mojo to never end, then it must also have never began. For infinite eternity all there was in the universe was God, 100% light and power and personality. Not God siting in outer space that is bigger then Him, but just Him. Then one day the creator, the artist, decided to be himself and create something for a change. So, in the middle of the eternal time slot he went to work. The first things He created were things that never existed before:- darkness, emptiness, void and formlessness. He then hovered over the dark deep howling mass and said "let" there be light. "Let" not "created" because light already existed.
Before the beginning there were no sunrises or sunsets, there was only God. God's universe was perfect, but one can't improve on perfection. So he created imperfection, independent free law from Him, and set free will in motion. God had to create these lesser things in order to get the beautiful wonder of the sun going down and the stars coming out.
There was a few other things He had to do. He had to make free room for everything to distill to itself, over time the truth would come out, but only with the creation of freedom. And so it is, that God created a world that people could live and breath, and choose...
Time to throw some paint around. Font and size. Remember the wonderful move "if Luci fell", Luci, played by Sarah Jessika Parker off the sex show. And the other guy, her friend, off... I loved the artist played by Zoolander, where he thrashes at his painting and says "i hate this". That's the way it is with art, {I've heared} If you get it all out, you might hate it for a while. I still don't think much of what has come out so far, so let's talk about basket
Rules to glorify self and put God down
The great I AM doesn’t want people in heaven with him who thinks that since they do what they are told most of the time they are good enough, who think God should reconsider there greatness, and accept them into heaven out of what they have made of themselves. Out of how righteous they think they have become.
First some MAXIMS.
*Christianity is not a life-long job interview where you don't know if you’re accepted till after you die. Everybody knows you can't see what an employee is like till they have been accepted for six months.
*Pride is trying to brighten up the room so the light can come in.
*Pride is a blob of mud cleaning itself before God.
*Pride says "God doesn't have to be God in these areas of me; I have done well by myself".
*The prayer of the proud. "Lord, I think I have done a good job of keeping up to high enough standards of righteousness. Although I have done all these things to show you I am better then you in these areas, I still expect full entry into heaven, more then most people. In closing I have achieved a level of outstanding humility, showing you that I am capable of loving you a lot".
*"Lord, I don't give a shit about how good you are, I'm good enough to deserve heaven".
*God doesn't want people in heaven who love how it feels to think they can live by rules better then others.
*Pharisees think the world comes down to sinners or less sinners. The truth is the world comes down to God righteous sinners or self righteous sinners.
*God doesn't want people in heaven who are good at trying to follow rules but are sniggering, criticizing, finger pointing, judgmental... Self-righteousness doesn't get in. {nor the stuck up dickhead it lives in}.
Grounded theology.
In Genesis 1 and 2 God gives endless examples of His true religion. From "let there be light" to "every seed after its kind" to examples of the ground and the seed.
No matter how hard the ground tries, it will never produce life without a seed. But this is the good news of the gospel: we are ground, and God is the seed, God's seed grows and bares fruit by His grace and power, not ours. Our Job is not to make ourselves produce righteousness, but to let God's imputed righteousness grow in us like a seed. To accept and believe that God is, and has the power to fulfill in you what He has started. Phil1:6.
Galatians 3:1,2 says "O foolish Galatians!... did you receive the spirit by works of the law, or by the hearing of faith." Gal 1:16 "knowing that a man is not justified by the law but through faith in Jesus Christ." And 5:4 "you have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace".
And 3:10 "For as many are under the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them"". And 3:24, 25 "Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor."
We have to stop bitterly working to pay off our salvation and believe that God is, literally, God, and stop holding His hand to reassure him of our strength. Phil-3:21 "He is able even to subdue all things to himself". As apostle Paul said in Rom 1:16, the gospel is "the power of God to salvation for anyone who believes". And "the just shall live by faith." 1:17. Faith in what? That God is God.
It’s easy to believe in a tiny little mouse of a god. But believing in the actual God is totally different. He isn’t some drunken stoned bastard, or roman goddess of lust and fantasy. He gives you freedom because that’s how it has to be. It's the pussy week religions that demand you tighten up. You may ask yourself, why would He do it. Make you relax in His acceptance and stop tying to please or trick Him.
He wants to get to your core, so you have to loosen up and just admit the truth about you and Him. It's the only way to keep the sniggerers out of heaven.
As Christians we know that we don't deserve salvation, that is, we are not good enough. Indeed we are a blob of mud trying to clean ourselves, trying to sanctify ourselves. Isaiah 64:6 says "all our righteous works are as filthy rags." We can't make ourselves acceptable to God any other way then by admitting the truth about ourselves as sinners. Like the story Jesus told in Luke 18:9-14
These things are compulsory for entrance into Heaven because, simply, God must do what God must do to keep pride out of heaven. And that means the good news of the gospel, simply believe and you will be saved. Acts 16:31.
Lemon left.
No matter how hard lesbians try, they can never enter each other. They are like toy men. Worse, "two holes making love." The theology of femoes, gays and greens are all blatantly far left. But then it is natural. If God and His "seed way" are to the right, Satan and his dirty whores are to the left. The feminine left doesn’t understand the masculine way of putting a seed into the ground, beyond gardening and conception. But that's there nature, covered in mud and dust, everything around them is dirt, but God knows which heading to follow, the one towards Him, towards the light.
"Little Lucifer" and his throng of imposed rebellion against the lesser of two evils, capitalism, all naturally hate John Howard, and George Bush, and think Israel is a ware monger er and march against war, against the forces of good defending themselves from slavery, political and religious.
Due to the left's "more compassionate" nature, they support saving the environment. And will erect a bloodthirsty tyrannical anti-capitalist socialist police state to do it. Proper care for the earth will be to adopt a "red" {blood} policy to decrease the population in size to the natural levels of the last ice age. It doesn't matter that a sharp decrease in population doesn't bode well with economics, and puts us at the mercy of other emerging powerhouses with big militaries.
Since the left is so "un-greedy," they don't mind that there plans for a better, greener world will ruin the global economy that countries {and freedom} live and breath through. They want capitalism to die and burn the country with it. They want to erect one person who is in touch with the universe to tell us all how to live better lives. They don't care about the endless bloodshed through the last century that socialism has brought wherever it has imposed. They are out to get rid of "evil capitalism" that lets people pursue there own lives through a system that isn't perfect but works quite well.
And they’ll live on social security; justifying bleeding our system dry, wanting capitalism to fail so philosopher kings can rule the world. They will look after the environment with 5:30 curfew and the end of gardening to washing, then kook and chant time. Then 9:00 lights out. All to keep people from knowing the truth, and stop Israel buying weapons. That's the left.
The entire left is the same, weather it be your religious pastor, or the collectivist, statist, Australian Labor Party {Marx's working man.} Socialists or the greens. Weather it be hippies, the gay community, pampered college Ed professors, the media, the JoHo's, Mormons, Catholics... they all would rather partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil rather then the tree of life.
The left love laws, to them laws are the air they breathe. As long as they are lining themselves up with laws, they won't be exposed by God's light. They believe, for instance, that if a person does good by abstaining from swearing, they can get away with other little evil’s, like thinking God is small and feeble and needs our help in many areas, especially righteousness.
The left try to hide there self-righteousness from God by trying to become better through the letter of God's laws. Out of the two tree paths they always chose to go left towards the tree of the knowledge about there and other people's good and evil. Like all tillers of the ground {Cain}, believing they can tip the balance of there good works over there sin with rules they find easiest to follow.
“I have a bit of light myself”
First some MAXIMS.
*Christianity is not a life-long job interview where you don't know if you’re accepted till after you die. Everybody knows you can't see what an employee is like till they have been accepted for six months.
*Pride is trying to brighten up the room so the light can come in.
*Pride is a blob of mud cleaning itself before God.
*Pride says "God doesn't have to be God in these areas of me; I have done well by myself".
*The prayer of the proud. "Lord, I think I have done a good job of keeping up to high enough standards of righteousness. Although I have done all these things to show you I am better then you in these areas, I still expect full entry into heaven, more then most people. In closing I have achieved a level of outstanding humility, showing you that I am capable of loving you a lot".
*"Lord, I don't give a shit about how good you are, I'm good enough to deserve heaven".
*God doesn't want people in heaven who love how it feels to think they can live by rules better then others.
*Pharisees think the world comes down to sinners or less sinners. The truth is the world comes down to God righteous sinners or self righteous sinners.
*God doesn't want people in heaven who are good at trying to follow rules but are sniggering, criticizing, finger pointing, judgmental... Self-righteousness doesn't get in. {nor the stuck up dickhead it lives in}.
Grounded theology.
In Genesis 1 and 2 God gives endless examples of His true religion. From "let there be light" to "every seed after its kind" to examples of the ground and the seed.
No matter how hard the ground tries, it will never produce life without a seed. But this is the good news of the gospel: we are ground, and God is the seed, God's seed grows and bares fruit by His grace and power, not ours. Our Job is not to make ourselves produce righteousness, but to let God's imputed righteousness grow in us like a seed. To accept and believe that God is, and has the power to fulfill in you what He has started. Phil1:6.
Galatians 3:1,2 says "O foolish Galatians!... did you receive the spirit by works of the law, or by the hearing of faith." Gal 1:16 "knowing that a man is not justified by the law but through faith in Jesus Christ." And 5:4 "you have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace".
And 3:10 "For as many are under the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them"". And 3:24, 25 "Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor."
We have to stop bitterly working to pay off our salvation and believe that God is, literally, God, and stop holding His hand to reassure him of our strength. Phil-3:21 "He is able even to subdue all things to himself". As apostle Paul said in Rom 1:16, the gospel is "the power of God to salvation for anyone who believes". And "the just shall live by faith." 1:17. Faith in what? That God is God.
It’s easy to believe in a tiny little mouse of a god. But believing in the actual God is totally different. He isn’t some drunken stoned bastard, or roman goddess of lust and fantasy. He gives you freedom because that’s how it has to be. It's the pussy week religions that demand you tighten up. You may ask yourself, why would He do it. Make you relax in His acceptance and stop tying to please or trick Him.
He wants to get to your core, so you have to loosen up and just admit the truth about you and Him. It's the only way to keep the sniggerers out of heaven.
As Christians we know that we don't deserve salvation, that is, we are not good enough. Indeed we are a blob of mud trying to clean ourselves, trying to sanctify ourselves. Isaiah 64:6 says "all our righteous works are as filthy rags." We can't make ourselves acceptable to God any other way then by admitting the truth about ourselves as sinners. Like the story Jesus told in Luke 18:9-14
These things are compulsory for entrance into Heaven because, simply, God must do what God must do to keep pride out of heaven. And that means the good news of the gospel, simply believe and you will be saved. Acts 16:31.
Lemon left.
No matter how hard lesbians try, they can never enter each other. They are like toy men. Worse, "two holes making love." The theology of femoes, gays and greens are all blatantly far left. But then it is natural. If God and His "seed way" are to the right, Satan and his dirty whores are to the left. The feminine left doesn’t understand the masculine way of putting a seed into the ground, beyond gardening and conception. But that's there nature, covered in mud and dust, everything around them is dirt, but God knows which heading to follow, the one towards Him, towards the light.
"Little Lucifer" and his throng of imposed rebellion against the lesser of two evils, capitalism, all naturally hate John Howard, and George Bush, and think Israel is a ware monger er and march against war, against the forces of good defending themselves from slavery, political and religious.
Due to the left's "more compassionate" nature, they support saving the environment. And will erect a bloodthirsty tyrannical anti-capitalist socialist police state to do it. Proper care for the earth will be to adopt a "red" {blood} policy to decrease the population in size to the natural levels of the last ice age. It doesn't matter that a sharp decrease in population doesn't bode well with economics, and puts us at the mercy of other emerging powerhouses with big militaries.
Since the left is so "un-greedy," they don't mind that there plans for a better, greener world will ruin the global economy that countries {and freedom} live and breath through. They want capitalism to die and burn the country with it. They want to erect one person who is in touch with the universe to tell us all how to live better lives. They don't care about the endless bloodshed through the last century that socialism has brought wherever it has imposed. They are out to get rid of "evil capitalism" that lets people pursue there own lives through a system that isn't perfect but works quite well.
And they’ll live on social security; justifying bleeding our system dry, wanting capitalism to fail so philosopher kings can rule the world. They will look after the environment with 5:30 curfew and the end of gardening to washing, then kook and chant time. Then 9:00 lights out. All to keep people from knowing the truth, and stop Israel buying weapons. That's the left.
The entire left is the same, weather it be your religious pastor, or the collectivist, statist, Australian Labor Party {Marx's working man.} Socialists or the greens. Weather it be hippies, the gay community, pampered college Ed professors, the media, the JoHo's, Mormons, Catholics... they all would rather partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil rather then the tree of life.
The left love laws, to them laws are the air they breathe. As long as they are lining themselves up with laws, they won't be exposed by God's light. They believe, for instance, that if a person does good by abstaining from swearing, they can get away with other little evil’s, like thinking God is small and feeble and needs our help in many areas, especially righteousness.
The left try to hide there self-righteousness from God by trying to become better through the letter of God's laws. Out of the two tree paths they always chose to go left towards the tree of the knowledge about there and other people's good and evil. Like all tillers of the ground {Cain}, believing they can tip the balance of there good works over there sin with rules they find easiest to follow.
“I have a bit of light myself”
Crisp tin chip's
The atmosphere in churches today is a sickly anemic disease. It seams that the church is doing everything in its power to keep quiet: - to not make a scene. Nor should it. If you don't have the light, you can't act 900 years old.
Or maybe Christians just don't like having fun, even when there God has bent over backwards to give them freedom. Why not have fun at church. Why not do what you like doing in all the other places you have a genuine fun time; drink beer. Is the preaching of God's light no mach for a relaxing night? Even free piss on Sunday nights would yield profoundly more interaction and vibrancy, not to mention humility and a focus on not trying to show God how good you are {there's a message in that}.
If what we are saying is a beacon of light in a dark room, alcohol would simply be outshone and kept in line. So we'll be handing out free six packs at the door at 6:00pm.
If a beacon of light isn't coming off the stage, it's not alcohols fault.
If God is God then He is 100%
All our righteousness.
All our salvation effort.
All our holiness.
All our desire and ability for Him.
Or maybe Christians just don't like having fun, even when there God has bent over backwards to give them freedom. Why not have fun at church. Why not do what you like doing in all the other places you have a genuine fun time; drink beer. Is the preaching of God's light no mach for a relaxing night? Even free piss on Sunday nights would yield profoundly more interaction and vibrancy, not to mention humility and a focus on not trying to show God how good you are {there's a message in that}.
If what we are saying is a beacon of light in a dark room, alcohol would simply be outshone and kept in line. So we'll be handing out free six packs at the door at 6:00pm.
If a beacon of light isn't coming off the stage, it's not alcohols fault.
If God is God then He is 100%
All our righteousness.
All our salvation effort.
All our holiness.
All our desire and ability for Him.
Have you seen that old move: Jesus 2000
Being a typical Christian I can relate to Jesus before He was done. The Jesus who had to labor under the belief system that it is wrong to be certain, that we should listen more, and keep our opinions to ourselves. As normal Christians we know it well. If our belief system is the only right one in the world, and bastards are pushing there’s, why shouldn't we push ours actively? His answer is to remind us of how it all goes, the Tao, the way of water and ground; the glory belongs to the Lord. Galatians says we become born again when we realize that salvation is God's business, that our righteousness should be His, imputed to us. We also keep in mind Romans that it is the power of God unto salvation.
If our belief system is so great and right, and completely in line with the ultimate power of the universe, why feel the need to labor for it. If we are right, why work to find amazing truths that never get the chance to be expressed, if indeed that is the reason behind one's desire to accumulate powerful truths about God, us and the world. And here lies the great mystery again. For God to get the glory it must be all him and none of us. Examples of Christians in the bible that believed what God is like and ran away were truly used powerfully. When Jesus was 29 the pressure to do God's work in the flesh and so to glorify its power would have been enormous, but He resisted. As normal Christians we may be able to indeed relate to Jesus before He changed gears.
Opinions aren't a very good way of expressing yourself, and if you use that medium for just that, you will be frustrated. Salvation is God's business, so is our belief system, so are our opinions, so are our expression of them onto the cramped world. All this doesn't mean that we shouldn't think, write, have a belief system or engage in stimulating arguments; these are all pleasurable parts of the souls own expression. But let the simple axiom stand forever, God gets the glory about the things that are His/render unto God the things that are God's.
Who would have thought that becoming more and more interested in the truth would eventually set you free.
If our belief system is so great and right, and completely in line with the ultimate power of the universe, why feel the need to labor for it. If we are right, why work to find amazing truths that never get the chance to be expressed, if indeed that is the reason behind one's desire to accumulate powerful truths about God, us and the world. And here lies the great mystery again. For God to get the glory it must be all him and none of us. Examples of Christians in the bible that believed what God is like and ran away were truly used powerfully. When Jesus was 29 the pressure to do God's work in the flesh and so to glorify its power would have been enormous, but He resisted. As normal Christians we may be able to indeed relate to Jesus before He changed gears.
Opinions aren't a very good way of expressing yourself, and if you use that medium for just that, you will be frustrated. Salvation is God's business, so is our belief system, so are our opinions, so are our expression of them onto the cramped world. All this doesn't mean that we shouldn't think, write, have a belief system or engage in stimulating arguments; these are all pleasurable parts of the souls own expression. But let the simple axiom stand forever, God gets the glory about the things that are His/render unto God the things that are God's.
Who would have thought that becoming more and more interested in the truth would eventually set you free.
A few more squirts
The darkness has done a good job of being offended at the light and shoeing people away from God's first explanation of himself and his ways and his school of thought in Gen1:1.
We Christians, the ones who lean toward the way God does things in the universe, realize that in order to keep pride out of heaven, salvation had to be a free gift. Those on satins side of pride don't want to believe that, there is too much good in themselves to waist on believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. They want to believe in themselves that they are righteous and despise others (Luke 18:9). They push the view that the world consists of sinners and non sinners, and that they are less a sinners then others. They don't want to believe in the way of the seed and imputed righteousness, they want to be a blob of mud cleaning itself, lighting up the room so the sun can come in. They want to close the doors and study the darkness, and understand its brightness. But only God can get the thanks for the work of salvation, otherwise it lets pride back into heaven, and God can't allow it.
Those on the left hand of Satan who believe Satan’s views, naturally hate those who believe God's way. They say we are evil, but Jesus says "blessed are you when people speak evil of you for my names sake" accusing us of evil, that we do what we want and are still accepted by God. That is one of the complaints from the Pharisees and snides and socialists. They think that their way of justifying themselves rather then giving yourself to God to justify is the only true way, it's also satins belief.
Satan and his apologists believe that they can do and say whatever they want, and God and those on His side must respond with peace and understanding and acceptance. Firstly Satan pushes fairness; the capitalist system that is paying for God's people Israel’s defense is not fair. There are too many greedy capitalists with to much money and power that we want. The system of free market capitalism and democracy should be replaced with the left's socialism. The money should be taken from the rich who are rewarded for there hard work and given to the poor on the left. There should be fairness and equality, "everyone suffering the same". All power should be taken from the thousands of rich capitalist centers and transferred to one person who sits at the top as a philosopher king who can't be voted out, telling every one how to live better lives. And whoever disagrees should be sent to "re-education camps" or even tortured for the good of the "community".
In the spirit of fairness, God should apologize for His aggression that antagonizes the evil in Satan. God should reduce himself in size to be more understanding and forgiving and compassionate. And so should America, say the left. And so should Israel. There is too much war in the world satan says, there should be peace ruling a "police state globe" as an iron fisted global prison camp.
The answers to the religious lies are that stage one is salvation and it must be while on earth, not in heaven. That's the way it has to be to keep the fake and pretenders out. Stage two is the long sanctification process that happens during our lifetime. But the proud think that the sanctification process is stage one and you can earn your salvation though being sanctified, by how good you can be. No wonder Jesus got so pissed off at the Pharisees so much. Especially when he went off at them for swearing by the gold of the alter and adding "blind fools, it is the alter that sanctifies the gift.” The gift doesn't sanctify the alter.
Rough as guts.
We Christians, the ones who lean toward the way God does things in the universe, realize that in order to keep pride out of heaven, salvation had to be a free gift. Those on satins side of pride don't want to believe that, there is too much good in themselves to waist on believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. They want to believe in themselves that they are righteous and despise others (Luke 18:9). They push the view that the world consists of sinners and non sinners, and that they are less a sinners then others. They don't want to believe in the way of the seed and imputed righteousness, they want to be a blob of mud cleaning itself, lighting up the room so the sun can come in. They want to close the doors and study the darkness, and understand its brightness. But only God can get the thanks for the work of salvation, otherwise it lets pride back into heaven, and God can't allow it.
Those on the left hand of Satan who believe Satan’s views, naturally hate those who believe God's way. They say we are evil, but Jesus says "blessed are you when people speak evil of you for my names sake" accusing us of evil, that we do what we want and are still accepted by God. That is one of the complaints from the Pharisees and snides and socialists. They think that their way of justifying themselves rather then giving yourself to God to justify is the only true way, it's also satins belief.
Satan and his apologists believe that they can do and say whatever they want, and God and those on His side must respond with peace and understanding and acceptance. Firstly Satan pushes fairness; the capitalist system that is paying for God's people Israel’s defense is not fair. There are too many greedy capitalists with to much money and power that we want. The system of free market capitalism and democracy should be replaced with the left's socialism. The money should be taken from the rich who are rewarded for there hard work and given to the poor on the left. There should be fairness and equality, "everyone suffering the same". All power should be taken from the thousands of rich capitalist centers and transferred to one person who sits at the top as a philosopher king who can't be voted out, telling every one how to live better lives. And whoever disagrees should be sent to "re-education camps" or even tortured for the good of the "community".
In the spirit of fairness, God should apologize for His aggression that antagonizes the evil in Satan. God should reduce himself in size to be more understanding and forgiving and compassionate. And so should America, say the left. And so should Israel. There is too much war in the world satan says, there should be peace ruling a "police state globe" as an iron fisted global prison camp.
The answers to the religious lies are that stage one is salvation and it must be while on earth, not in heaven. That's the way it has to be to keep the fake and pretenders out. Stage two is the long sanctification process that happens during our lifetime. But the proud think that the sanctification process is stage one and you can earn your salvation though being sanctified, by how good you can be. No wonder Jesus got so pissed off at the Pharisees so much. Especially when he went off at them for swearing by the gold of the alter and adding "blind fools, it is the alter that sanctifies the gift.” The gift doesn't sanctify the alter.
Rough as guts.
That's how you spell fester
Evil has always been a minority that wanted to be the majority. Its biggest stumbling block to power is the weakness it finds in itself. Evil has a skewed belief that weakness is so inhibiting that it must be destroyed wherever possible. If a person or country can't defend itself, they don't deserve to exist. They fester the disease of not being able to fight.
Being kind to your enemy only works if your enemy has character. If they don't they will hate you even more. Evil has struggled with its own weakness and it hates what it finds. Evil only sees weakness as something to be destroyed. Evil doesn't see the world like humans do, it doesn't respect boundaries. I only wants you dead to get to God. It pushes us to put down our arms and adopt appeasement and trust and forgiveness of it. It calls God and Israel an aggressor, a war mongerer, unfair and un-loving;- because God won't commit suicide.
The truth against satans self-rightious belief system that you never here:- imputed righteousness. In the front of the good book we see the existence of a belief system so different and more empowering than all the others it couldn't have come from the earth, it must have come from heaven. It's a belief system that is best described in comparison to the others as like a light on a hill. It stands out. No one could have thought of it. Justification not sanctification. You must be born again.
The Left believe that they have the knowledge to prove, in the end, that God is wrong, and will settle for replacing Him as much as possible. Jesus said "when the world says peace, peace, the end will be near." How many demand peace now? Jesus said "stop saying I have come to bring peace, make sure you don't do that. I have not come to bring peace, but a sward". But how could this be? Not pursuing peace is better? It's not peace that is bad, but the pursuit of it over other truths.
Before WW2 and today, people are going to the left, to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, where Satan awaits teaching the world to snigger at good and appease evil.
Being kind to your enemy only works if your enemy has character. If they don't they will hate you even more. Evil has struggled with its own weakness and it hates what it finds. Evil only sees weakness as something to be destroyed. Evil doesn't see the world like humans do, it doesn't respect boundaries. I only wants you dead to get to God. It pushes us to put down our arms and adopt appeasement and trust and forgiveness of it. It calls God and Israel an aggressor, a war mongerer, unfair and un-loving;- because God won't commit suicide.
The truth against satans self-rightious belief system that you never here:- imputed righteousness. In the front of the good book we see the existence of a belief system so different and more empowering than all the others it couldn't have come from the earth, it must have come from heaven. It's a belief system that is best described in comparison to the others as like a light on a hill. It stands out. No one could have thought of it. Justification not sanctification. You must be born again.
The Left believe that they have the knowledge to prove, in the end, that God is wrong, and will settle for replacing Him as much as possible. Jesus said "when the world says peace, peace, the end will be near." How many demand peace now? Jesus said "stop saying I have come to bring peace, make sure you don't do that. I have not come to bring peace, but a sward". But how could this be? Not pursuing peace is better? It's not peace that is bad, but the pursuit of it over other truths.
Before WW2 and today, people are going to the left, to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, where Satan awaits teaching the world to snigger at good and appease evil.
"I"n the beginning
One day Satan decided he wanted to make God give up His right to exist. Evil can't win so it justifies itself. It pushes the universal belief that God is to aggressive. That humanity should be more forgiving and fair and "not so righteous," by loving and accepting him. Evil demands that before it attacks, you must get on the back foot and put yourself in a long-suffering, forgiving position. And with that the perverted twist to Satan’s way is complete. In the garden man chose Satan’s side and accused God, and still seeks help in blaming God. The "good men do nothing" protesters, against free democracies defending themselves against the blood thirsty far left, demand that the way of greatness like themselves is their humility, being forgiving, and fair, loving and peaceful. The “cream of humanity” demands God also be fair and share power 50/50 with Satan. Then be forgiving towards Lucifer’s constant attacks on God's 50% share.
Because the darkness exists by God's free will inside of light it was pushed out of heaven, dragging down 1/3 of the angel's bodies with it. Because God defended Himself Satan became a messenger of peace. For the rest of history he would try to get the forces of good to do nothing so "the accuser" can try to enslave God and his people. When the world calls Israel a war mongerer it will be near the end. Babylon the great falls into a socialist utopia, as well as Indiana and Gulliver. The fading forces of light and freedom will be overwhelmed by the forces of darkness and peace, and can no longer defend Israel. Jesus will have to come back to defend his people Himself.
Ever since Eve heard the sweet sound of sniggering at God, she has chosen to give the intentions of the forces of evil the benefit of the doubt, and mistrust the intentions of the forces of Good. When Eveology ate that forbidden fruit man died. He then started distilling and chose the paths toward those two trees. Adam and Eve decided with evil knowledge of their good they should hide from God. And look at him from a distance. And justify themselves.
Because the darkness exists by God's free will inside of light it was pushed out of heaven, dragging down 1/3 of the angel's bodies with it. Because God defended Himself Satan became a messenger of peace. For the rest of history he would try to get the forces of good to do nothing so "the accuser" can try to enslave God and his people. When the world calls Israel a war mongerer it will be near the end. Babylon the great falls into a socialist utopia, as well as Indiana and Gulliver. The fading forces of light and freedom will be overwhelmed by the forces of darkness and peace, and can no longer defend Israel. Jesus will have to come back to defend his people Himself.
Ever since Eve heard the sweet sound of sniggering at God, she has chosen to give the intentions of the forces of evil the benefit of the doubt, and mistrust the intentions of the forces of Good. When Eveology ate that forbidden fruit man died. He then started distilling and chose the paths toward those two trees. Adam and Eve decided with evil knowledge of their good they should hide from God. And look at him from a distance. And justify themselves.
Before the beginning.
Hi there. In Genesis 1:1-3 God shows us His style, the way he does things. Genesis chapter 3 cuts to the chase. In a garden God put Himself, the tree {path} that leads to Him, Adam and Eve, the tree {path} that leads to Satan, and Satan. There are two choices carefully laid out for humanity to choose for the rest of life on earth. Right or Left. The tree of life or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God righteousness or self righteousness. Right with God or Left with Satan.
God set up the perfect system for salvation to keep the snides and the Pharisees out and keep the honest friends in. God couldn't make the requirements for entry into heaven about how well people could follow rules, which would fill heaven with well presented people who are sniggering, criticizing, manipulating, finger pointing, accusing and sympathetic to Satan and his ways. God doesn't want any "I'm better then you" people in heaven.
So He made salvation based on honesty and humility, the ability to admit the truth about yourself and willing to receive salvation as a fee gift rather then proving to God how good you are. A big problem is that Satan’s snides and Pharisees have done a fantastic job teaching the world that the only way to God is to be as much like them as possible. "White washed tombs" Jesus called them. "Loading people down with burdens to hard to carry and won't even lift a finger to help" Jesus {probably} Yelled.
Salvation can't be about rules to be followed or self-sanctification. This leads to focusing on knowledge to find how good you are, and how good God doesn't have to be. It lines a person's thinking up with Lucifer who wanted to uplift his attributes for replacement of God's. It allows heaven to be filled with people who have had pampered lives going with the spirit of the world, believing they are more moral then others because of there knowledge of there better standards {that they find easy to live up to} when they measure everybody, not seeing the death they bring.
Lucifer’s way is to make people hate Gods way, His style, the way God and his followers do things, to make the world "hate good and love evil." Satan started the excuses first, and the left of the world push them ferociously, and so in the future with God's people Israel. Then the quiet guarded undercover peaceful attacks of her enemies will be all around. And the upfront, honest, open loud actions of Israeli bombs will inflame Eveology worldwide.
God set up the perfect system for salvation to keep the snides and the Pharisees out and keep the honest friends in. God couldn't make the requirements for entry into heaven about how well people could follow rules, which would fill heaven with well presented people who are sniggering, criticizing, manipulating, finger pointing, accusing and sympathetic to Satan and his ways. God doesn't want any "I'm better then you" people in heaven.
So He made salvation based on honesty and humility, the ability to admit the truth about yourself and willing to receive salvation as a fee gift rather then proving to God how good you are. A big problem is that Satan’s snides and Pharisees have done a fantastic job teaching the world that the only way to God is to be as much like them as possible. "White washed tombs" Jesus called them. "Loading people down with burdens to hard to carry and won't even lift a finger to help" Jesus {probably} Yelled.
Salvation can't be about rules to be followed or self-sanctification. This leads to focusing on knowledge to find how good you are, and how good God doesn't have to be. It lines a person's thinking up with Lucifer who wanted to uplift his attributes for replacement of God's. It allows heaven to be filled with people who have had pampered lives going with the spirit of the world, believing they are more moral then others because of there knowledge of there better standards {that they find easy to live up to} when they measure everybody, not seeing the death they bring.
Lucifer’s way is to make people hate Gods way, His style, the way God and his followers do things, to make the world "hate good and love evil." Satan started the excuses first, and the left of the world push them ferociously, and so in the future with God's people Israel. Then the quiet guarded undercover peaceful attacks of her enemies will be all around. And the upfront, honest, open loud actions of Israeli bombs will inflame Eveology worldwide.
"Once more into the breach dear friends"
It’s obvious there is a well thought out strategy here for getting ones grubby little hands on God’s people Israel. The other day I saw a documentary about an artist on the ABC, a typical Leftist old winging pompous weasel. It was an hour program about him and his paintings and his views. Naturally we hear the usual:-
.“we give ourselves up
. because our resistance
. makes you angry,”
. “we demand others do to,
.especially the cowboy…”
This old basted was an Australian artist, he was surrounded by his paintings and old friends that love to sit and listen to themselves talk, about art. They also decided to talk about a “wonderful” dream of demanding that others give up defending freedom and stop making things so dangerous. They also talked about a superior justice system based on love, not revenge. And a big painting with paint swirled on it.
The Painting was called “romp, or stomp or clomp or some piece of crap.” Thanks for that one Homer.
Still rambling and not getting to the point though.
.“we give ourselves up
. because our resistance
. makes you angry,”
. “we demand others do to,
.especially the cowboy…”
This old basted was an Australian artist, he was surrounded by his paintings and old friends that love to sit and listen to themselves talk, about art. They also decided to talk about a “wonderful” dream of demanding that others give up defending freedom and stop making things so dangerous. They also talked about a superior justice system based on love, not revenge. And a big painting with paint swirled on it.
The Painting was called “romp, or stomp or clomp or some piece of crap.” Thanks for that one Homer.
Still rambling and not getting to the point though.
Your paster is Left
Does your pastor think like a lefty even though he’s born again?
“This council declares that if the man threatens you with your life and decides to come over with the intent to kill, we will consider calling the council members first, knowing that it is after 9pm good night biscuits. Besides, she probably provoked him. We should consider these other important shades. 1. We should give him the benefit of a doubt that he may not want to choose violence over the more powerful forces of reasoning, love and sacrifice. {Always the victim who must do all the sacrificing} 2. We should consider that she may be responsible for provoking him. 3. We don't want to hurt his feelings.
How disgusting.
“Since we the left are truly the most superior people on the planet then by default we must have superior levels of “compassion” and “the knowledge” of the power of love over hate."
"We therefore believe in peace, not war." {we don’t want you defending yourself}
"We are anti-capitalist." {Capitalism pays for God’s people Israel’s defense}.
I haired someone on the radio, maybe Allan Jones, who said, “It will get to the point where the victim will be sued by the advancing rapist because she hurt his feelings when she told him to stop”.
“Out of the mouth of babes indeed”
Classic stuff.
“This council declares that if the man threatens you with your life and decides to come over with the intent to kill, we will consider calling the council members first, knowing that it is after 9pm good night biscuits. Besides, she probably provoked him. We should consider these other important shades. 1. We should give him the benefit of a doubt that he may not want to choose violence over the more powerful forces of reasoning, love and sacrifice. {Always the victim who must do all the sacrificing} 2. We should consider that she may be responsible for provoking him. 3. We don't want to hurt his feelings.
How disgusting.
“Since we the left are truly the most superior people on the planet then by default we must have superior levels of “compassion” and “the knowledge” of the power of love over hate."
"We therefore believe in peace, not war." {we don’t want you defending yourself}
"We are anti-capitalist." {Capitalism pays for God’s people Israel’s defense}.
I haired someone on the radio, maybe Allan Jones, who said, “It will get to the point where the victim will be sued by the advancing rapist because she hurt his feelings when she told him to stop”.
“Out of the mouth of babes indeed”
Classic stuff.
In church today, and out
Today at church was a typical “left” fest, nor was pastor wasn’t interested in talking to men.
He had just finished a long powerful preach on humility, he was sweating and puffing and wiping his brow. Afterwards I caught him, and when I said goodbye I saw the quickest and coldest disengaging in a long time. He darted for the church fellowship cafe.
He didn’t want to talk to me; he just wanted to bask in the sunlight.
“Oh pastor, that was so powerful”.
Let’s talk about the entire left, physical and spiritual.
It’s opposite, the spiritual right, is “Genesis 1:3” a light in the darkness, you must be born again, imputed righteousness etc. The Left will push themselves as right, but alas they are still left. When it’s a chance to express there view they always go left. The Religious Left is the same as the Political Left. They both deduce information the same way. Let it be the religious terrorists or religious Pharisees, there mind forms the same opinions about God’s ways and Satan’s ways.
They are all levels of the one group mostly unknowingly working toward getting God’s people Israel destroyed. Her neighbors hate her because she is the true God’s very people, and being enemies of the true God they let themselves believe that she is evil and the problem of all there darkness. “Let’s attack the only country left who can keep Israel alive, there capitalist ally America. Let’s join forces with our deer comrades in the west, the political left.”
America, America, the last hope of freedom in the world. Her diminish will Co-inside exactly with the growth of satins power. Satan is anti-capitalist, anti-democracy, anti-born-again, socialist Left. Same as Hitler. Same as Mussolini. During the Second World War, the right used to call them “Nazi’s” to piss them off. Nazis was German abbreviation for Hitler’s party’s name, the National Socialist party. When Russia was communist during the cold war, her name was U.S.S.R. United Soviet Socialist Republic.
Most anti-America and anti-Israel chants together in a chorus mindless drones. The Lefts instinct is to help the destruction of Israel, and to do that it needs to destroy America. So it invents and pushes its ludicrous lies and gets people to want to believe them. The old devil wants as many as possible dieing for him and helping his cause; - Destroy Israel, get to it through America. The dragon pushes “anti-Americanism,” pushes it with lies, gets as many people to believe in the spiritual and political left for the cause of the best long term destruction plan for Israel:- to bleed it dry.
And right there next to them, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder with the forces that are trying to be destroy Israel, are the churches in Australia. The Christians? Well, no. Those that say they are but don’t preach the light forcing its way in like a seed. The church leaders who preach the ground as more important than the seed.
In this context we are the ground, and that’s all we can produce, ground, we can’t produce seeds. Godly righteousness can only begin with the seed of righteousness being planted. It's to late to plant it after you die and go to the judgment seat. It’s not a gradual thing where you need to work hard and one day you will receive God’s help with the implantation of the seed of righteousness.
When I say left leaning churches I don’t mean sloppy obvious churches that openly support and promote Satan’s belief system, satan is never sloppy or honest or upfront. In the garden of Edin of Genesis 3 he was first introduced as "the most cunning." Millions are chained up in cults like Jehovah’s witnesses {religious communism} who force there followers to rival Kim Jon ill’s citizens but do it with pretty pictures and smooth, tip-layered deceptive language. The Jehovah’s witnesses deduce information the same way as the socialists and the terrorist’s and all the left does:- selfrightiously.
The churches I’m talking about are most churches, the ones that lean more toward the ground’s belief that God's righteousness comes from you instead of Him. I’m talking about the churches that think God needs a little help, to get His work accomplished. People who spend there entire lives pushing the view of “pro-whitewashed tombs,” looking better on the outside then in.
G-string and a pear of thongs perhaps.
I grow tired of this rant. It was awkward. The different parts clashed and rubbed up against each other. A very rough diamond indeed. Bowing my head in shame i promise to do better in describing this enormous subject, ye, the biggest and most important subject in the world that didn't come from the world. An imperfect vessel wrestling with an idea that couldn't have been made up by man. Never in a million years could anyone come close to making it up.
Time for coffee and strong cheese.
He had just finished a long powerful preach on humility, he was sweating and puffing and wiping his brow. Afterwards I caught him, and when I said goodbye I saw the quickest and coldest disengaging in a long time. He darted for the church fellowship cafe.
He didn’t want to talk to me; he just wanted to bask in the sunlight.
“Oh pastor, that was so powerful”.
Let’s talk about the entire left, physical and spiritual.
It’s opposite, the spiritual right, is “Genesis 1:3” a light in the darkness, you must be born again, imputed righteousness etc. The Left will push themselves as right, but alas they are still left. When it’s a chance to express there view they always go left. The Religious Left is the same as the Political Left. They both deduce information the same way. Let it be the religious terrorists or religious Pharisees, there mind forms the same opinions about God’s ways and Satan’s ways.
They are all levels of the one group mostly unknowingly working toward getting God’s people Israel destroyed. Her neighbors hate her because she is the true God’s very people, and being enemies of the true God they let themselves believe that she is evil and the problem of all there darkness. “Let’s attack the only country left who can keep Israel alive, there capitalist ally America. Let’s join forces with our deer comrades in the west, the political left.”
America, America, the last hope of freedom in the world. Her diminish will Co-inside exactly with the growth of satins power. Satan is anti-capitalist, anti-democracy, anti-born-again, socialist Left. Same as Hitler. Same as Mussolini. During the Second World War, the right used to call them “Nazi’s” to piss them off. Nazis was German abbreviation for Hitler’s party’s name, the National Socialist party. When Russia was communist during the cold war, her name was U.S.S.R. United Soviet Socialist Republic.
Most anti-America and anti-Israel chants together in a chorus mindless drones. The Lefts instinct is to help the destruction of Israel, and to do that it needs to destroy America. So it invents and pushes its ludicrous lies and gets people to want to believe them. The old devil wants as many as possible dieing for him and helping his cause; - Destroy Israel, get to it through America. The dragon pushes “anti-Americanism,” pushes it with lies, gets as many people to believe in the spiritual and political left for the cause of the best long term destruction plan for Israel:- to bleed it dry.
And right there next to them, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder with the forces that are trying to be destroy Israel, are the churches in Australia. The Christians? Well, no. Those that say they are but don’t preach the light forcing its way in like a seed. The church leaders who preach the ground as more important than the seed.
In this context we are the ground, and that’s all we can produce, ground, we can’t produce seeds. Godly righteousness can only begin with the seed of righteousness being planted. It's to late to plant it after you die and go to the judgment seat. It’s not a gradual thing where you need to work hard and one day you will receive God’s help with the implantation of the seed of righteousness.
When I say left leaning churches I don’t mean sloppy obvious churches that openly support and promote Satan’s belief system, satan is never sloppy or honest or upfront. In the garden of Edin of Genesis 3 he was first introduced as "the most cunning." Millions are chained up in cults like Jehovah’s witnesses {religious communism} who force there followers to rival Kim Jon ill’s citizens but do it with pretty pictures and smooth, tip-layered deceptive language. The Jehovah’s witnesses deduce information the same way as the socialists and the terrorist’s and all the left does:- selfrightiously.
The churches I’m talking about are most churches, the ones that lean more toward the ground’s belief that God's righteousness comes from you instead of Him. I’m talking about the churches that think God needs a little help, to get His work accomplished. People who spend there entire lives pushing the view of “pro-whitewashed tombs,” looking better on the outside then in.
G-string and a pear of thongs perhaps.
I grow tired of this rant. It was awkward. The different parts clashed and rubbed up against each other. A very rough diamond indeed. Bowing my head in shame i promise to do better in describing this enormous subject, ye, the biggest and most important subject in the world that didn't come from the world. An imperfect vessel wrestling with an idea that couldn't have been made up by man. Never in a million years could anyone come close to making it up.
Time for coffee and strong cheese.
Reclose Innocence
My understanding of blog world {and the world} and how to operate in it is jawdroppingly low. But one must begin, so here it comes. Will it work? Try now, cringe latter.
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