Before the beginning.

Hi there. In Genesis 1:1-3 God shows us His style, the way he does things. Genesis chapter 3 cuts to the chase. In a garden God put Himself, the tree {path} that leads to Him, Adam and Eve, the tree {path} that leads to Satan, and Satan. There are two choices carefully laid out for humanity to choose for the rest of life on earth. Right or Left. The tree of life or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God righteousness or self righteousness. Right with God or Left with Satan.

God set up the perfect system for salvation to keep the snides and the Pharisees out and keep the honest friends in. God couldn't make the requirements for entry into heaven about how well people could follow rules, which would fill heaven with well presented people who are sniggering, criticizing, manipulating, finger pointing, accusing and sympathetic to Satan and his ways. God doesn't want any "I'm better then you" people in heaven.

So He made salvation based on honesty and humility, the ability to admit the truth about yourself and willing to receive salvation as a fee gift rather then proving to God how good you are. A big problem is that Satan’s snides and Pharisees have done a fantastic job teaching the world that the only way to God is to be as much like them as possible. "White washed tombs" Jesus called them. "Loading people down with burdens to hard to carry and won't even lift a finger to help" Jesus {probably} Yelled.

Salvation can't be about rules to be followed or self-sanctification. This leads to focusing on knowledge to find how good you are, and how good God doesn't have to be. It lines a person's thinking up with Lucifer who wanted to uplift his attributes for replacement of God's. It allows heaven to be filled with people who have had pampered lives going with the spirit of the world, believing they are more moral then others because of there knowledge of there better standards {that they find easy to live up to} when they measure everybody, not seeing the death they bring.

Lucifer’s way is to make people hate Gods way, His style, the way God and his followers do things, to make the world "hate good and love evil." Satan started the excuses first, and the left of the world push them ferociously, and so in the future with God's people Israel. Then the quiet guarded undercover peaceful attacks of her enemies will be all around. And the upfront, honest, open loud actions of Israeli bombs will inflame Eveology worldwide.