In church today, and out

Today at church was a typical “left” fest, nor was pastor wasn’t interested in talking to men.

He had just finished a long powerful preach on humility, he was sweating and puffing and wiping his brow. Afterwards I caught him, and when I said goodbye I saw the quickest and coldest disengaging in a long time. He darted for the church fellowship cafe.

He didn’t want to talk to me; he just wanted to bask in the sunlight.

“Oh pastor, that was so powerful”.

Let’s talk about the entire left, physical and spiritual.

It’s opposite, the spiritual right, is “Genesis 1:3” a light in the darkness, you must be born again, imputed righteousness etc. The Left will push themselves as right, but alas they are still left. When it’s a chance to express there view they always go left. The Religious Left is the same as the Political Left. They both deduce information the same way. Let it be the religious terrorists or religious Pharisees, there mind forms the same opinions about God’s ways and Satan’s ways.

They are all levels of the one group mostly unknowingly working toward getting God’s people Israel destroyed. Her neighbors hate her because she is the true God’s very people, and being enemies of the true God they let themselves believe that she is evil and the problem of all there darkness. “Let’s attack the only country left who can keep Israel alive, there capitalist ally America. Let’s join forces with our deer comrades in the west, the political left.”

America, America, the last hope of freedom in the world. Her diminish will Co-inside exactly with the growth of satins power. Satan is anti-capitalist, anti-democracy, anti-born-again, socialist Left. Same as Hitler. Same as Mussolini. During the Second World War, the right used to call them “Nazi’s” to piss them off. Nazis was German abbreviation for Hitler’s party’s name, the National Socialist party. When Russia was communist during the cold war, her name was U.S.S.R. United Soviet Socialist Republic.

Most anti-America and anti-Israel chants together in a chorus mindless drones. The Lefts instinct is to help the destruction of Israel, and to do that it needs to destroy America. So it invents and pushes its ludicrous lies and gets people to want to believe them. The old devil wants as many as possible dieing for him and helping his cause; - Destroy Israel, get to it through America. The dragon pushes “anti-Americanism,” pushes it with lies, gets as many people to believe in the spiritual and political left for the cause of the best long term destruction plan for Israel:- to bleed it dry.

And right there next to them, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder with the forces that are trying to be destroy Israel, are the churches in Australia. The Christians? Well, no. Those that say they are but don’t preach the light forcing its way in like a seed. The church leaders who preach the ground as more important than the seed.

In this context we are the ground, and that’s all we can produce, ground, we can’t produce seeds. Godly righteousness can only begin with the seed of righteousness being planted. It's to late to plant it after you die and go to the judgment seat. It’s not a gradual thing where you need to work hard and one day you will receive God’s help with the implantation of the seed of righteousness.

When I say left leaning churches I don’t mean sloppy obvious churches that openly support and promote Satan’s belief system, satan is never sloppy or honest or upfront. In the garden of Edin of Genesis 3 he was first introduced as "the most cunning." Millions are chained up in cults like Jehovah’s witnesses {religious communism} who force there followers to rival Kim Jon ill’s citizens but do it with pretty pictures and smooth, tip-layered deceptive language. The Jehovah’s witnesses deduce information the same way as the socialists and the terrorist’s and all the left does:- selfrightiously.

The churches I’m talking about are most churches, the ones that lean more toward the ground’s belief that God's righteousness comes from you instead of Him. I’m talking about the churches that think God needs a little help, to get His work accomplished. People who spend there entire lives pushing the view of “pro-whitewashed tombs,” looking better on the outside then in.

G-string and a pear of thongs perhaps.

I grow tired of this rant. It was awkward. The different parts clashed and rubbed up against each other. A very rough diamond indeed. Bowing my head in shame i promise to do better in describing this enormous subject, ye, the biggest and most important subject in the world that didn't come from the world. An imperfect vessel wrestling with an idea that couldn't have been made up by man. Never in a million years could anyone come close to making it up.

Time for coffee and strong cheese.