Evil has always been a minority that wanted to be the majority. Its biggest stumbling block to power is the weakness it finds in itself. Evil has a skewed belief that weakness is so inhibiting that it must be destroyed wherever possible. If a person or country can't defend itself, they don't deserve to exist. They fester the disease of not being able to fight.
Being kind to your enemy only works if your enemy has character. If they don't they will hate you even more. Evil has struggled with its own weakness and it hates what it finds. Evil only sees weakness as something to be destroyed. Evil doesn't see the world like humans do, it doesn't respect boundaries. I only wants you dead to get to God. It pushes us to put down our arms and adopt appeasement and trust and forgiveness of it. It calls God and Israel an aggressor, a war mongerer, unfair and un-loving;- because God won't commit suicide.
The truth against satans self-rightious belief system that you never here:- imputed righteousness. In the front of the good book we see the existence of a belief system so different and more empowering than all the others it couldn't have come from the earth, it must have come from heaven. It's a belief system that is best described in comparison to the others as like a light on a hill. It stands out. No one could have thought of it. Justification not sanctification. You must be born again.
The Left believe that they have the knowledge to prove, in the end, that God is wrong, and will settle for replacing Him as much as possible. Jesus said "when the world says peace, peace, the end will be near." How many demand peace now? Jesus said "stop saying I have come to bring peace, make sure you don't do that. I have not come to bring peace, but a sward". But how could this be? Not pursuing peace is better? It's not peace that is bad, but the pursuit of it over other truths.
Before WW2 and today, people are going to the left, to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, where Satan awaits teaching the world to snigger at good and appease evil.