One day Satan decided he wanted to make God give up His right to exist. Evil can't win so it justifies itself. It pushes the universal belief that God is to aggressive. That humanity should be more forgiving and fair and "not so righteous," by loving and accepting him. Evil demands that before it attacks, you must get on the back foot and put yourself in a long-suffering, forgiving position. And with that the perverted twist to Satan’s way is complete. In the garden man chose Satan’s side and accused God, and still seeks help in blaming God. The "good men do nothing" protesters, against free democracies defending themselves against the blood thirsty far left, demand that the way of greatness like themselves is their humility, being forgiving, and fair, loving and peaceful. The “cream of humanity” demands God also be fair and share power 50/50 with Satan. Then be forgiving towards Lucifer’s constant attacks on God's 50% share.
Because the darkness exists by God's free will inside of light it was pushed out of heaven, dragging down 1/3 of the angel's bodies with it. Because God defended Himself Satan became a messenger of peace. For the rest of history he would try to get the forces of good to do nothing so "the accuser" can try to enslave God and his people. When the world calls Israel a war mongerer it will be near the end. Babylon the great falls into a socialist utopia, as well as Indiana and Gulliver. The fading forces of light and freedom will be overwhelmed by the forces of darkness and peace, and can no longer defend Israel. Jesus will have to come back to defend his people Himself.
Ever since Eve heard the sweet sound of sniggering at God, she has chosen to give the intentions of the forces of evil the benefit of the doubt, and mistrust the intentions of the forces of Good. When Eveology ate that forbidden fruit man died. He then started distilling and chose the paths toward those two trees. Adam and Eve decided with evil knowledge of their good they should hide from God. And look at him from a distance. And justify themselves.