Does your pastor think like a lefty even though he’s born again?
“This council declares that if the man threatens you with your life and decides to come over with the intent to kill, we will consider calling the council members first, knowing that it is after 9pm good night biscuits. Besides, she probably provoked him. We should consider these other important shades. 1. We should give him the benefit of a doubt that he may not want to choose violence over the more powerful forces of reasoning, love and sacrifice. {Always the victim who must do all the sacrificing} 2. We should consider that she may be responsible for provoking him. 3. We don't want to hurt his feelings.
How disgusting.
“Since we the left are truly the most superior people on the planet then by default we must have superior levels of “compassion” and “the knowledge” of the power of love over hate."
"We therefore believe in peace, not war." {we don’t want you defending yourself}
"We are anti-capitalist." {Capitalism pays for God’s people Israel’s defense}.
I haired someone on the radio, maybe Allan Jones, who said, “It will get to the point where the victim will be sued by the advancing rapist because she hurt his feelings when she told him to stop”.
“Out of the mouth of babes indeed”
Classic stuff.