Lesser of two evils

I was just watching an American documentary on the evils of GIANT CORPORATIONS TAKING OVER FROM LOCAL MOMA'S AND POPA'S SMALL SHOPS. It is a damn shame though being muscled out by bigger and richer organizations. The difference is in how you see it. Is it another company that has built up more clout, or a heartless capitalist corporation?

Dale Carnegie said that "most human reasoning is finding excuses to believe what you want to believe". The left lives in a fantasy world where anything outside of it, regardless of the good it brings, isn't perfect and therefore evil. There search through the knowledge of good and evil will always cause them to be endlessly tied up in scales and words, and since the reality of capitalism is worse then there wildest fantasies, it will always end up demonized.

Pluses and minuses in the great tapestry of truth are the building blocks of the big picture. But not if you are a partaker of the fruit on the left. To them, who focus only on detail rather then the whole picture, knowledge is but a means of creating a string of pearls for an evil agenda: Disregarding vital truth, announce the death of the human spirit in disguise as key gripes like, fairness and equality.

By now, however, I’m surely just talking out of my ass on subjects out of my depth. But I do have what all should admit to, a disposition that interprets life the way we want. And my cut says that anti-capitalists and reality snigerers have a mostly unknown agenda, one that heads in the same direction of what they are all fighting for. You do the math.