Santa Clause is a bribed, cruel old basted: He gives more presents to the rich kids and less to the poor. And for the really poor, Santa isn't even coming this christmas.
Yeah yeah yeah, Santa almost always buys his presents from the local shops. UFO pictures from the fifties always look like the style at the time, and how can we arrive at the truth.
No matter what people do, it's no guarantee that people can arrive at a better world view simply by increasing there brain power. For an example, the kid in the classroom with the lowest I.Q. might love George Bush. And the kid with higher I.Q likes him but not as much. The kid with even higher I.Q. thinks Bush is O.K. but prefers Nancy Pelosi. The kid with high I.Q might hate George bush and love Hitler. But the kid with even higher I.Q might love George Bush.
What really is the correct upbringing for children to arrive at "the view"? Also, you might stand back and put things in more perspective when you get older, and you think you have it. Then when your even older you think that when you were young you didn't know anything. But what if humans lived till 900 years old. At 500 they might see it all clearly. Then at 700 realize how foolish they were.
Again, your environment might gel well with your personal culture and energy, creating an easier slip up to great heights. Turn the tables and you might have a story of growing better because of adversary, yet not as far as being a water lilly in the desert.
The influence of the environment is a very good constant. We truly are a product of our environment. America's creativity is the result of a "tyrannical" society.
But the worst {just a saying} thing is when you see the right, sorry, spelling mistake, the light, and every church you go to is left.
If it dawned on someone in this county about God, they would go to church to find out more. At church they would find some really good people. And other things. {delicious morsels for later to be tarted up, each story a delightful feast of the senses}
Anyway...geez. Arriving at knowing you have the truth is difficult, i suppose we just have to say "this is my truth," but how passionate should we be about "our truth," enough to push it onto someone else, demand they see things our way. You could let it go, but what if everyone did it. What if all the police put down there weapons and held out there hand in love and peace. If the rule is that no one fights, then the calculating bloodthirsty fuckwit wins.
Unless you have a GOD?
The idea of giving up so good will provale stems from being in a situation where God is in control. The idea works if someone else is taking responsibility over your romantic ideals. Naturally there is the truth that pushing and making an ass of yourself will create resistance. The Japanese have a saying, "the nail that sticks out the most gets hammered". For a quiet reserved tight little country with lots of people a saying like this would naturally emerge and be very much believed in. And the stupid among us will naturally think that it is always a universal truth, applied to every situation. But that's life, how far does a passive angle go until it causes more war.
Your God.
Some people have a really big God. Some people's god, is a whimpering, snivelling scared little kid who gets angry and frightened quickly and needs to hold your hand to be reassured of your strength. Most people fall somewhere in-between, somewhere around powerful but angry and needs your help with salvation, righteousness etc.
I suppose we all have gods, some worship the god of forgetting about the subject and so on... {If you can believe that, you'll believe anything.} I don't believe that a porch sitting on the beach with an instruction book on how and who created it popped out of the sand. I also love the magical romantic pull away from having the answer answered and putting up with who you think is an angry big dumb bum god. And people don't like there life-long views destroyed. That can be very disastrous, mine have been destroyed many times over.
So it's pretty safe to say that people are a product of there environment. Asian Buddhist's love the colors of yellow and red and a bald head. The Arabs love Islams beautifully singing at dawn or sundown with the smell of the desert air and Crystal clear Sky's. Or the beautifully colors and writing around mosques. And the universal slaves desire to line yourself up as much as possible to comfortable rules that bring relief. The way of all other religions and people's.
And we all do it. I am but a fool. Later I'll think i was stupid 6 months ago. I have questions about God and life, i firmly believe the world is to big to put into perspective. I thank God i believe He reached out to me and gave me the disposition to recognize at least where the light is cumming from.
God's past. The lead up to the beginning.
If you go far back enough in time you will eventually arrive at a point when there was nothing, no physical matter. Now we have something. The only way to go from nothing to something is for it to be created. Therefore creativity had to be the first thing to exist, and must have always existed. This creativity we call God.
Funny thing about eternity, if something has the mojo to never end, then it must also have never began. For infinite eternity all there was in the universe was God, 100% light and power and personality. Not God siting in outer space that is bigger then Him, but just Him. Then one day the creator, the artist, decided to be himself and create something for a change. So, in the middle of the eternal time slot he went to work. The first things He created were things that never existed before:- darkness, emptiness, void and formlessness. He then hovered over the dark deep howling mass and said "let" there be light. "Let" not "created" because light already existed.
Before the beginning there were no sunrises or sunsets, there was only God. God's universe was perfect, but one can't improve on perfection. So he created imperfection, independent free law from Him, and set free will in motion. God had to create these lesser things in order to get the beautiful wonder of the sun going down and the stars coming out.
There was a few other things He had to do. He had to make free room for everything to distill to itself, over time the truth would come out, but only with the creation of freedom. And so it is, that God created a world that people could live and breath, and choose...